5 Amazing Benefits of Children Learning Piano ($500 CASH GIVEAWAY)

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We are so exited that some friends are gifting us their gorgeous piano they no longer want! This is a dream come true for me. (We have an old, old piano that needs lots of work. So much work it is simply be stored right now. For years I have wanted our boys to learn to play the piano. Now, this can really become a reality!)

The brain benefits of learning piano as a child are impressive and everlasting! I have known this for years.

Benefits of Learning Piano

Research has shown that the brain of someone who can play an instrument and the brain of someone who is non-musical, works differently. There are many, many skills that are built and improved by learning to play such as sound discrimination, fine motor skill, neurological benefits and more.

  1. Improved reading skills. Music is a language. They say the earlier you learn a new language the better and children are like sponges. The same skill development that is used when learning to play the piano is the same as reading. I have read this over and over again in studies for years. Oftentimes learning piano increases reading skills. Did you know that learning to play piano involves the left and right brain must work together? What great exercises for our brain!
  2. Improved math skills. For years I have known that learning to play the piano helps kids with reading and math and I have always been so impressed by this. Overtime a child’s spatial-temporal skills are greatly improved when playing the piano. What are spatial-temporal skills? It is the ability to recognize a pattern and understand how pieces or items can fit into that space. Someone with honed spatial-temporal skills can really dig deep and determine how things fit together and how the patterns can be manipulated…. like in creating music, or architecture, engineering, gaming and math!
  3. Teaches kids to never give up. There is a lot to learn when playing the piano. It can be frustrating and very challenging, but they have to keep doing so they can accomplish higher and higher goals. Consistent effort and patience are skills that are built when learning to play the piano. Piano is a great goal building skill and skill of dedication.
  4. Improved hearing. Studies have shown that musicians do not age the same in the auditory cortex as others often do. Hearing skills just might be one of those things that if you don’t use it, you lose it…. ever thought of that? This is an everlasting benefit of being musical.
  5. Decreased anxiety. This is great for kids and adults, honestly! A study was done in Japan that shows the hormone cortisol, which is associated with high stress levels and anxiety, was reduces more by playing the piano than any other creative art activity. This is powerful information for kids who find school stressful, for adult who find work stressful and for anyone needing or seeking ways to reduce their overall anxiety levels.

piano benefits

I am so excited for our boys to embrace the piano. I want to learn too!

What musical instrument do you and your children play?


WIN $500

Want to go on a shopping spree? Our local Metroplex Piano Warehouse is giving away a $500 cash giveaway once a week through December 31st! Enter to win here!

You do need to live in the Dallas Fort Worth area, San Antonio, St. Louis or Austin areas to enter to win. 

The winner will also receive  a coupon to Piano Warehouse getting $100 off a purchase to Metroplex Piano Warehouse.

500 dollar giveaway




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