Hand Print Art: Z is for Zebra

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Hi everyone! It’s our last week posting over here on Crystal & Co. for the alphabet hand print art series. Our last post is ‘Z is for Zebra‘ made with a hand cutout instead of a hand print. If you’d like to see a painted one, you may like this safari handprint craft we made a few years back. Instead of using our usual white paper for this letter craft, my preschooler and I turned it into a collage art project. We love the look of collages! It’s rather simple to make.

Hand Print Art: Z is for Zebra

Supplies Needed:

Instructions for making the Hand Print Zebra:

Trace the child’s hand on white paper using a pencil. Cut around it. Ask them to draw on zebra stripes, the hooves, and eye. For some extra learning, have them count the stripes as they are drawing them.

Take a sheet of brown construction paper and have your preschooler rip a few strips from it. Use a paintbrush to add glue to the strips. The paintbrush is optional and was used to ensure that all the edges stuck down. A glue stick would also work. Stick them along the bottom edge of a blue sheet of construction paper.

Glue the zebra on. Make the black hair and a tail using a marker or black paint.

Hand Print Art - Z is for Zebra

Tear a circle shape from yellow and about 5 thin strips. Glue on as a sun. Take a cotton ball and spread it into two sections. Glue these on as clouds.

Optional: Write Z is for Zebra.

Now you have a really cute collage art project to display on the refrigerator!

Hand Print Art Zebra - Letter Z Craft


Now that we’ve finished the entire hand print art for the alphabet series, which one has been your favorite? 

My favorites are the alligator, butterfly, and watermelon. My preschooler’s favorites are the butterfly and dog. You can see them all here. Hope you enjoyed the series and please do stop by our blog to say hi!

– Amanda

Check out these Handwriting Practice Worksheets for alphabet learning with your preschooler!



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