Homeschooling: He is Learning… and I Didn’t Even Teach Him

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Homeschooling has been keeping me pretty busy. I have not given you guys an update in weeks…. because frankly I am still trying to work some of the kinks out.

There are easy easier days.

There are hard days.

I have not regretted our decision at all- not even once. But this process has not been a walk in the park either. I am learning just as much as they are.

We did decide in early August to also purchase Sonlight’s preschool curriculum for Matthew. This age group does not come with any workbooks, just a simple reading schedule and an amazing selection of books to add to our home library. I will share some pictures of all of this soon.

So far, I just let Matthew get up to the table with us while I am working with Nick and Luke. There are days he wants to and days he would rather watch Sesame Street or play by himself. I am not pushing it at all- on his timetable. Because really, I can read the books with him at any time- during the day or at night before bed. I see it as extra one on one time with him.

But, there have been many days these last few weeks that Matthew climbs up to the kitchen table with us and wants to do cool work too (school work). He wants papers to write on and workbooks to draw in. I have some preschool workbooks on my self that I bought 3-4 years ago when Nick and Luke were little. Some books are for tracing, some for cutting, some for coloring…. you get the idea.

Generally I hand him the book and he goes to town and makes up his own lesson. Well yesterday I opened the book to a page covered in triangles. There was a place to color and draw triangles and then there was a place to trace the word triangle. I just opened the book, gave Matthew his crayons and continues to teach Nick and Luke how to count by 10’s. We were smack dab in the middle of our Math lesson.

Well, Matthew sees Nick and Luke trace their numbers and letters in their workbooks. I had no idea this sweet little 3 year old knew how to trace. We all look over and Matthew has used his black crayon and traced the word triangle.


We were all so proud of him!

And he was so proud of himself.

Yay, Matthew!

Learning is not just by saying and doing, but from also watching. He watches his brothers every day and he is learning from them. Obviously I knew this would happen, just not so quickly. I am amazed!

Today Nick and Luke were doing their letter mazes with their dot dobbers. Matthew wanted a sheet too.

Matthew had seen where I wrote the letters  Aa on the dry erase board.

I never said Matthew, put dots on the Aa’s. I honestly just gave him the dobbers and the paper so he could be a part of what we were doing.

What do you know…. he yells,  “Momma, look. I do cool (school)  too!“. He was dotting all of the big A’s with his green dobber.

His motor skills even more developed then I realized.


This process is truly amazing to me!


  1. We’ve had the same experience with our youngest, as well. She has seemed to pick up some things by osmosis. I love those days. :O)

  2. Kim Idell says:

    Way to go Matthew and way to go mom! It is so amazing what the little ones pick up!

    You are doing awesome and I am proud of you!

    1. Kim, you have no idea how much I appreciate you being my homeschool cheerleader! I really was so reluctant to begin this journey and I am so glad we did it!

  3. Michelle J says:

    I really wanted to home school my younger 2 and so regret not doing so they are 19 and 21 now. I give you a lot of praise for going with it.

    Good for you Crystal and go Matthew!!

  4. I really miss homeschooling in their younger days!
    Out of 4 children I only have one left at home now and she is in 10th grade.
    I still have frustrating days…either it’s because too many things are pulling us away from home…or she is just not in the mood for doing schoolwork.

  5. Crystal, it’s so much fun to watch kids grow, isn’t it? Many folks forget that in our country’s early days, there were one room schools where the older kids helped the younger kids. It was “normal” — No standardized tests and everyone learned! What a concept. Who knows your kids better than you do? Quite possibly, it’s their siblings! BTW…my oldest nephew is an Eagle Scout, taking dual credit classes for 12th grade & junior college. Homeschool is all he has ever known. He and his four siblings are amazing success stories!

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