Teachable Moments: When Your Children See You Remorseful

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Let me ask you… what is the most humbling moment in your parenting? (Have you read the decision I made that I will forever regret?)

I am far from perfect. We are all far from perfect. I share this story with much hesitation because you might judge me.

A few years ago there was a situation that occurred that was ugly. I was ugly. I treated someone wrong and they did not deserve it. Sometimes words come out of my mouth based on emotion. It was an innocent stranger. Our kids were in the car with me when it happened. I still regret it to this day!

The right thing to do was to ask for forgiveness. My children had to see me be accountable- no matter the shame I felt. I had to be the example I expect my children to be.

This awful and embarrassing moment became a teachable moment showing my children I am remorseful.

teachable moments in parenting


In today’s podcast I share with you the story of the time I treated someone unkind… ironically over a happy meal. In a moment of pure frustration. It was wrong.

Moms, know in your moments of transgression you are not alone. Others have been there. I can resonate with you.

The good news is there is forgiveness, love and mercy. This is exactly what Psalm 51 tells us. The exact scripture our pastor just delivered to us in a recent sermon.

psalm 51

And then the burnt cookies and the lessons I hope our children learned…. you will just have to listen in.

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