Crockpot Lime Garlic Chicken

With minimal prep time needed and a few hours of slow cooking, this crockpot lime garlic chicken is sure to be the star of your dinner table!


– Chicken – Lime juice – Chicken broth – Garlic – Italian seasoning – Butter – Pepper

Combine all ingredients into a gallon sized freezer bag.


Seal it closed and place it in the freezer.

When ready to use thaw in fridge for 24 hours.


Empty the contents into the crockpot and cook on low for 6–8 hours.

The answer is yes, you can!

Can You Prepare Crockpot Lime Garlic Chicken Ahead of Time?

You can absolutely throw frozen chicken into the crockpot; just make sure to adjust your cooking time accordingly.

Can You Put Frozen Chicken in the Crockpot?

Give this recipe a try! Tap the link below for the full recipe details.