12 Tips For a Beautiful and Stress Free Nursing Experience

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Nursing is such a rewarding experience for moms. Not only does it create a level of bonding between a mother and child but it is an optimal form of healthy eating for your baby. Breast milk is full of antibodies and nutrients that help fight infection plus compared to the cost of formula you are winning!

The thought of breastfeeding for some may be daunting. No worries we have all been there. When faced with the question of whether or not breastfeeding is something you are doing it can be a challenge to come up with an answer. Breastfeeding not only has healthy perks but think of it in another aspect. You don’t have to wash bottles or go to the store when you run out and it can make losing that baby weight a cinch by contracting your uterus.

Breastfeeding does not have to be scary. It can be easy and go smoothly once you get into the groove that you and your baby create. If you plan to nurse your baby here are our tips for breastfeeding that every mom should read.

12 tips for a beautiful nursing experience

12 Tips for Nursing a Baby

1. The “latch on” is the process that you baby attaches to the breast. In the beginning this can be tough but it is manageable. An appropriate “latch on” happens when your baby is comfortable and so are you. If you are in horrible pain this process needs to be changed up.

2. Positioning is super important. If you are nursing and you are leaning over and your back hurts then you need to change up your positioning. Bring your baby in close to you and use a nursing pillow if you need to optimize the contact between breast and baby.

3. Create a nursing station. This could be a chair or other sitting area in your home. Keep a small basket close by with things you use during nursing like your pillow, nursing cover, extra burp cloths, nursing pads, and lanolin.

4. Take care of your nipples. This is essential to creating healthy nursing. It is a must to make sure you are keeping your nipples clean and dry as well as treating them with lanolin for cracking and pain that may occur.

5. Notice your let down. The let down occurs when your milk is ready to flow. If you feel a tingle or pain don’t be alarmed because it is perfectly normal.

6. Pump if you must. In the beginning pumping may help your milk come in and may also relive engorgement once your milk does come in. There are tons of breast pump options so find one that works best for you.

7. Water, water, and more water! That’s right! You are going to be drinking lots of fluids to keep your milk supply where it should be. So keep a water bottle handy for staying hydrated. Stay away from caffeine because it can really affect your supply.

8. Watch your diet. You may or may not be able to eat spicy or greasy foods. Keep a log of how your baby reacts to your breast milk depending on what you are eating.

9. Log or note a feeding routine. Sometimes we tend to over worry about whether or not our babies are getting enough to eat. Keep a log of wet diapers and how often you are feeding to be sure.

10. If your milk supply does decrease there are ways to improve it. Fenugreek is a great product to use to improve your supply while also attempting to increasing your feeding routines.

11. Consult your lactation specialist for tips. That is why they are there! Lactation specialists can help with everything from latch on to breast pumps. Seek out a lactation specialists at the hospital when your baby is born.

12. Join a moms group and share tips. Finding people or groups local to your area is useful especially when you are a new nursing mom. Plus it is a great way to find a support system!

What were your biggest nursing struggles?  


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