The {barely} Surviving Mom’s Diet

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Years ago, well before children ran my life, I took pretty good care of myself.

I woke up and ate breakfast.

By noon I would eat a filling lunch.

And when evening rolled around I always enjoying a balanced, delicious, dinner. I just knew you had to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat.

(The word stupid is rarely in my vocabulary anymore, by the way. Today I would say ‘a special kind of not so smart’ instead of stupid. Stupid is just not a nice word.)

Slowly my life has changed.

One child came along and I still remembered to eat on a pretty regular basis. Rarely would I stop dead in my tracks and think… man, when was the last time I ate something? It may not have been three full meals a day, but I still stayed fueled by food.

After the twins came along my main source of nourishment came from a coffee pot. I started my daily drip at about four o’clock in the morning and the machine continued to spit out cup after cup until about two o’clock in the afternoon. And I like it strong- is there any other way?  (Hey, the creamer is dairy. And coffee comes from a bean. Beans are protein. I can justify this!)

Then a dinner of scraps my children refused to eat would then fuel me through my exhausting evening.

You know, I did not lose a pound on this diet. The Surviving Mom’s Diet.

Soon {baby} Matthew came along. Obviously I had to change some of my eating habits during the months I nursed him, but once that came to an end  (when he was 10 months old) I found myself right back to The  Surviving Mom’s Diet. 

As my children continue to grow I spend more and more of my day as a taxi driver, referee, mess cleaning machine who seems to be on a food scavenger hunt and flying-by-the-seat-of-my-pants. From the minute my feet hit the floor each morning until the moment my head finally lands on my pillow life is go, go, go and eat if finally scarf something down.  

Drinking pot after pot of unspiked coffee and inhaling my dinner, like a prison guard just waiting for the food fight to break out between five boys,  has just kinda become my norm.

This my friend is the worst diet I have ever put myself on.


The {barely} Surviving Mom’s Diet.

And to think- I have not lost a damn pound!


  1. Oh no! This sounds very hard. Moms are the hardest working people in the world. Thank God for coffee though, right? I love coffee too.

    Btw, Trader Joe's has great frozen meals and all you have to do is pop them in the microwave.

    Good luck mama!

  2. I hear ya about that diet…and I only have 2 kids! thanks for the good laugh.

  3. MsBabyPlan says:

    My good, now I can understand my aunty. She is aways on the run and eating when she can. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Dominique @Dominique's Desk says:

    I can understand how difficult it is to get a proper meal with kids around. I too had some difficulties coping initially but after 3 kids you get to learn the tricks of how to feed them and yourself nutritious and healthy meals at regular meal times throughout the day.
    It does help to do weekly meal planning and quick dinners during the weeknights.

  5. paulakiger says:

    I imagine all of moms out here can relate — not everyone may admit it but we can all relate! I remember nursing my son, with my 3 year old running around, downing Diet Cokes to stay sufficiently awake to supervise the three year old so she didn't hurt herself — with all those relaxation hormones going through me (+ the sleep deprivation factor) — I could have so easily been toast. I do want to put a word in for taking great care of yourself — seriously — you have five precious reasons!!

  6. Before I had a baby I would have thought "Who could ever forget to eat?" But now I know the truth: moms.

  7. The Drama Mama says:

    I hear you. This is so not a diabetic safe diet either. Who has time to retrain themselves how to eat properly these days?

    Thanks for stopping by. It made my day.

  8. TornadoTwos says:

    Hey, I'm on the same diet! The other day I was at work, it was 8PM, and I kept complaining about how hungry I was. I couldn't figure out why I was so hungry. Then I realized that I intended to make myself some eggs before I left for work, but I completely forgot! I never ate dinner, no wonder I was so hungry. Not to mention,that when I do remember to eat I have 3 little pairs of hands in my food eating up most of it!

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