4 Tips for Finding The Right School for Your Little One

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When my oldest son (who is now 16) was little I worked outside of the home. When he was four I began searching for a preschool that he could attend until he started Kindergarten. Previous to that we alternated between his paternal grandmother and an in-home babysitter who was a close friend of the family as his childcare givers while I was at work.

I remember the pressure I felt in making the right decision for him. I had to choose a place that I knew I could trust. Even though he was four, he was my baby.

Fast forward to a few years down the road when Nick and Luke (now 9) were two years old. I was not 100% sold on homeschooling at this point in time. I struggled in believing I was capable of successfully educating my children at home. At the time I was also working part time from home for a family who owned a local business. I could get most of my weekly work done two days a week while Nick and Luke attended a two day a week preschool. Finding the right place for them was very important.

My process for finding the right place for my littles back in 2003 and the later in 2008 remained the same.

Here is how I found the right place for my boys in each of these seasons of life. I totally understand the heartache you go through when you’re looking for the right place. These babies are our precious treasures. We want what is best for them.

tips for finding the right school for your little one

4 Tip for Choosing the Right School for Your Child

    1. Recommendations are a must from people you know and trust. I am talking about recommendations from your friends and close circles, not a list of recommendations the school gives you. When I chose Nick and Luke’s preschool it was the places personal friends in my life had taken their children.
    2. Never make a choice on a whim. I made an appointment with multiple schools when I was searching for the right school for Garrett. I made an appointment and met with the director. I took notes. I asked very specific questions. I later came back unexpected for another visit. I had a manila folder for each location I visited with notes about each school. Meet all levels of staff; administration, teachers, aides, afterschool help, etc. When he started public school I did the same thing. Anytime my children have attended school they were never sent off to school without me knowing everything I could about the place that would be caring for my child.
    3. Is the school nurturing and loving? This is the deal breaker question for me. If I do not feel like you will love my child, nurture and care for him the way I do, the school is not a good fit for our family. Seeing and feeling a loving environment is a must for me.
    4. Go with your gut. If you have a bad feeling, the school is not right for you. If there are things you do not like, you have a choice to move on to another school. If you’re not comfortable with how specific things were handled, staff, curriculum, etc., walk away.

One of the things that stuck with me when we chose the preschool for Nick and Luke was something the director said to me on one of our visits. She had been the director there since the school had opened. She attended the church that the school was run at. She could tell us everything we possibly wanted to know. These specific words stuck with me; “I have never put a hiring sign out front of this school. I personally know the people who are taking care of your babies.”. That was peace of mind! And she meant it.

choosing the right school

If you’re looking for a school for your little one, you might consider La Petite Academy. At La Petite Academy they are dedicated to providing parents with confidence and security in knowing that all children are treated with respect and provided with exceptional educational experiences.

Your turn to share. What is the number one deciding factor and tip when choosing a school for your little one?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Learning Care Group. The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. These are some great tips, and I appreciate your advice to get recommendations from people you trust when looking for a preschool for your child. My daughter is at preschool age now, and I want to make sure she has a good experience. My sister has a couple of children that have already gone through that, so I’ll definitely talk to her and see if she has any recommendations for me. Thanks for the great post!

  2. I have always wanted my kids to go to preschool. However, finding the right preschool can be difficult, so thanks for the tips. I definitely agree with you, I would never make this decision on a whim, it takes a lot of thought and research.

  3. Wow..
    What a lovely post.Thanks Crystal for giving some really useful tips with respect to shortlisting a preschool. Choosing the right school for your child is a huge task. Being a parent, you want to provide your child with an ideal environment to grow. For me the tip regarding recommendation through ur friends and close relatives stands out for me. The trust level is high in a program which is referred by someone close to you and ideally whom you respect and value.
    Keep poting and keep sharing.. 🙂
    Keith K. Moffitt

  4. I liked your second point about interviewing the director to see if their school would be good for your kid. It is huge if they are more loving rather than crazy strict. I’ll have to look around before I do some interviewing.

  5. I remember going to two different schools as a kid. One was bad and the other was awesome. That’s why its a must to know how a school is before admitting your kid. Thanks for writing.

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