DFW Readers: Do You Have a Child with Food Allergies (Local Support Group)

Sharing is caring!

As the mom of a child with a pretty nasty peanut allergy, I am so happy to share this support group information with you.

Our little Matthew, now 3, has suffered from severe eczema from about 6 weeks old onward. By the time he had his first birthday, he had already experienced multiple staph infections and MRSA infections. It was so painful for him.

We drove to downtown Dallas regularly to meet with the best pediatric dermatologist I could find. His condition was pretty severe. He was put on medications that still at the age of three I am reminded how potent these medications are. The eczema would make his skin ooze and bleed from the intense scratching. It was heartbreaking and we spent much of the first year of his life indoors. The Texas heat made it more than he could tolerate and sometimes people would just stare at him and his red infected skin like he was not being taken care of. I did everything I could to make him as comfortable as possible.

After his first birthday he was finally old enough to be tested for allergies. Up until this point I had only been advised to cut milk and eggs out of my diet as I nursed him. When the allergy testing was done, it was determined that he had a mild reaction to eggs, but a severe reaction to peanuts.

There is a new parent and caregiver support group starting here in the DFW area. Their first meeting is November 1st from 9:15am to 10:30am in Colleyville, Tx . However if you would like to join but can not make the daytime meeting, they will be meeting in the evening as well in the future so please join!

Kids Food Allergy Resource Group

This is a BRAND NEW GROUP forming now- Kids Food Allergy Resource (KFAR).

They offer parents and caregivers support, educational information and resources. They will share experiences, ideas, product info, doctors, schools and more through their  website and monthly meetings. They also hope to increase community awareness and provide general information too.

There is no attendance requirement for their monthly club meetings. If you are looking for an online community club NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE please join too!

Parents,Caregivers and Children unite! Together we will make a difference!


  1. That is so sad about your son. Has taking him off peanuts helped his ezcema? My advice to you is to never give up and just keep trying new things until you can figure out what is causing it. It seems like there has to be something. Blessings, Lori

  2. I can understand how tough it is going through the extra effort it takes to make sure he eats well.

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