Mischievousness must be genetically inherited!

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I am convinced! Every child from my gene pool, so far, is extremely mischievous. Why would I be so surprised by the twins? Garrett was a handful (so I thought) as a child with his ability to get into anything- usually when I was taking a shower. My siblings and I go way back… we tore up anything we got our hands on and started many fires and terrified most of our neighbors! I remember my middle brother smearing dog poo all over our neighbors motorcycle as a child. My Dad wore his little butt out and then sarcastically said ‘now get up and go do it again’. And off my brother went….my poor parents! Of course my Dad stopped him before he could get out the door, but getting into trouble is just what were were made to do.

Today is much like most days. I am only one person. The children out number me and I only have three of them home right now as Garrett and Anthony are visiting family. In between answering a/c calls for Lenny, dispatching the calls out, breaking up fights between Nick and Luke, feeding the baby and eating my bon bons (yeah, right) it was finally time to put Matthew down for his nap. He usually nurses himself to sleep, so this required me to be ‘out of pocket’ from the twins for about 20 minutes, but I could hear them playing happily together. I was impressed- they were getting along so well sharing dump trucks and bulldozers. It was relieving as I really needed this time with Matthew. I thought to myself… wow, things are getting better between the two of them. Maybe this rivalry and jealousy stuff is just a phase that we are on the tail end of.

Once Matthew was asleep I could not wait to get to the living room (so I thought) to reward Luke and Nick for playing together so well. To my surprise the living room was empty but I can still hear them playing so sweetly. I turn the corner and there they are in the kitchen. My sweet little angles. An assortment of dump trucks are spread out, each child directing a construction scene and filling their front loaders and dump trucks with….. what the hell is that…. OMGoodness! It is a brand new container of $25 powder baby formula. Matthew gets a bottle as needed if we are on the go in the car, or if I need to get things done and have someone else feed him. Because of his sensitive tummy we have to give him the pricey stuff…. it was a virtually brand new container! I keep it put up high, but earlier in the day I made him a bottle and left the container on the counter…. safe out of reach for most children, but not my resourceful Puerto Rician toddlers! And they are so clueless. ‘Look Mommy, we play trucks!’ Which brings me to reason #72 as to why I feel so defeated most days.

Here is a picture for your enjoyment! Hopefully I can laugh about it when they are married with their own little ‘angles’!

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