Saving Baby’s First Haircut

Sharing is caring!

I wish this was my bright idea. So stinkin’ smart and it totally works for me.

I recently purchased the October edition of Parent’s Magazine because sweet {baby} Nella’s birth story was featured. If you do not read this blog, you’ve gotta check it out.

In a different section of the magazine parents submitted their tips. This particular tip could not have been more timely for me as my little Matthew just got his first haircut last week. I’ve been saving the chopped locks in a piece of foil that my stylist gave me.

And then, I read this brilliant idea.

Store the keepsake locks in one of those super small zippy bags that is attached to your clothes when you buy them new. You know, that bag that has the extra buttons in it. 

Then, you can seal it up and safely store it in your baby book, or what have you, with no fear that any of the hair will be lost.


How have you stored your little one’s first haircut memories? I am eager to hear your suggestions and ideas.


  1. Creativities Galore says:

    I put his hair in one of those mini zip lock bags and put it in his scrapbook next to a picture of him getting that first haircut 🙂

  2. Makenna's first haircut was taken in the NICU. They put her hair on colored paper and put this piece of huge clear tape over it. Then they made a decorative border out of other colored paper and stuff to go over that. It came out cute. I guess they wanted to soften the blow that they had to cut her hair off without our permission. It worked, sort off 🙂

  3. That's a great idea! DS's first haircut is on the horizon, and I'll be so sad to love his little curls, so this is a great way to preserve them without taking up too much space. Thanks!

  4. Life Without Pink says:

    I hope my boys' hair in a mini ziplock bag and then taped it in their scrapbooks.

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