Top Five Mom Ideas (4/1/13)

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The Mommy Club linky party had 191 posts with mom advice,organization help, meal planning solutions, cleaning tips, recipes and more shared last week.

Here are the top 5 resources-  this means these posts had the most clicks! Is one of them yours?

While you’re here, check out my Mommy Solution Pinterest Board. Make sure you’re following it, it’s full of awesome mom advice from my readers. You guys share the best stuff  ever! Make sure you check out my list of the linky parties you want to make sure you are participating in each week.

Best Mom Advice


how to clean a glass stove top

1. Do you have a glass stove top? Did you see Joyful Homemaking’s awesome post about how to clean a glass stove top?  Love this natural and easy tip!

preschool crafts for the letter t

2. Do you have a preschooler at home who you would like to do craft projects with as he learns that alphabet? I love, love, love The Measured Mom’s collection of preschool crafts for the letter T.

Boil or Bake hard boiled eggs

3. Until a few weeks ago, I had no idea you could even do this- to bake or to boil an egg? As Saving 4 Six shows us, you get the same result (on the inside)  either way!

power cooking with friends

4. Last week Simply Creating for Home shared with us how she and her friends do something called Power Cooking to save them time and money when meal planning. This week she shares with us 5 recipes that are perfect for power cooking.


5. Are you a fan of quiche? Who knew you could make it gluten free!? The Seasoned Homemaker not only shares with us this amazing recipe, but she also shares some insight and photos from her recent trip to a friends’ house in Central Texas where you can still see the footprints of wagon trails from a time long before us.


Did you miss last weeks party? You can check out all 191 ideas HERE. If you are a blogger come on over on Wednesday’s and linkup your latest and greatest ideas! (The post actually goes live Tuesday night. Sssshhhh!)

advice for moms

Also remember, just because your idea is not listed here does not mean we didn’t love it. We regularly share your links on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and in my newsletter.


  1. Thanks for the feature, Crystal!! We had a lot of fun with those crafts! Letter T was easy to work with 🙂

    1. You are so welcome Anna. Thanks for sharing ideas my readers love!

  2. Katherine G says:

    I’m going to check these out.

  3. Thank you so much for showing my stove cleaning post!

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