Twin Tips- Do’s and Don’ts When Eating Out (Guest Post)

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Crystal & Co - Twins

Sonora has some awesome do’s and don’ts for eating out with twins and a large family. Make sure you check out her bio at the end and hop over to her fun blog where she shares her life while raising four children under the age of five! 

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Stop! Don’t do it! Put the keys down, and back away.

That is the first instinct I have when I think about taking all of my children out to eat. I have yet to brave an actual restaurant with my entourage, but I have been known to show up at a fast food play place on occasion.

That being said, I have ventured into a restaurant or two with my older children before, and if I became courageous enough to take my five year old, my barely two year old, and my two eleven month olds to a restaurant, this is what I would do and what I would recommend to others:

1. Select a time of day that coincides best with my children’s nap time, even if it isn’t a normal time to eat.

I would choose to arrive at the restaurant either earlier in the day before nap time, or late in the afternoon right after nap time. That way my kids will be at their best and will hopefully cooperate through the meal.

2. Don’t sit down while waiting to be seated.

If you have to wait to be seated at all, wander around with the kids during the wait so that when you are finally seated, they won’t already be anxious and wanting to run around.

3. Don’t sit them in their high chairs before the food arrives.

I usually select a booth so I can stand/sit the kids in between me and the wall, allowing them to squirm and explore while we order our food and wait for it to be served.

Then when the food arrives, the high chair is still somewhere “new” to sit and they will usually occupy themselves by checking out the chair and eating some of their food while you eat yours with your hands free.

4. Bring treats/drinks.

This one varies depending on the age of your children. I would only bring treats or drinks for kids under 2 years, who are really to young to understand the wait. I can keep my boys occupied much longer when I have snacks for them to eat.

5. Have a stash of travel toys.

Bringing toys that my kids don’t see on a daily basis keeps them entertained much longer. The toys are more of a novelty and they will spend more time looking at them and playing with them.

For older children, I recommend a few choice toys, but mostly crayons, pens, pencils, and paper. Kids love to draw and write and is a great way to pass time.

6. Consider the other diners when selecting the restaurant you want to eat at.
Taking that many children to a four star restaurant will most likely be frowned upon. Try to pick a more family friendly location, or at least one with lots of other noise.

7. Have a good attitude.

I have found that the most important thing I can do is accept that everything won’t go smoothly and there will be glitches, but that is ok. Enjoy yourself anyway!

Sonora is a SAHM to four children ages five and under. Her second child was seven months old when they were surprised with a twin pregnancy, so the final three children arrived in just fifteen months. When she is not chasing after children, attempting to keep her house clean, or working on strengthening her second marriage and combined family,she blogs, reads, dabbles in photography, and laughs as often as possible. Visit her at Twinfinity- To Twinfinity and Beyond!


  1. We eat out ALL the time with the kids. I think that having the same rules at home that you have at the restaurant helps tons- (no getting up until everyone is done, using inside voices, etc)

  2. blueviolet says:

    Those are really good tips! I never thought about not going in the highchair right away. That makes good sense!

  3. I think those are great tips, multiples or not. You're so wise!

  4. MultipleMum says:

    I am not very brave about taking the kids out to restaurants but will keep this in mind when I do!

  5. Goldylocks aka Erin says:

    Love the idea of not putting the kids in high chairs until it's time to eat!

  6. So smart to wait on the highchair- it makes perfect sense!

    Great do's and don'ts!

    Thanks for guest posting Sonora!

  7. I agree with everyone above about the idea of waiting to put them in their highchairs. I'm always so concerned with getting them contained, that I had not thought of it that way!

  8. Great tips, Sonora…oh wise one!! 😉

  9. Holly at Tropic of Mom says:

    You're so brave! 🙂 I like your tip about letting kids run around while waiting. I think that has an added bonus of nervous restaurant folks trying to get you seated more quickly. 😉

  10. Lula Lola says:

    Mine are out of high chairs now, but the tip about not putting them in a highchair right away is great! I can't tell you how many meals that we've had to tag team to eat. One of us eating, one of us walking/feeding/soothing a little one. Great tips!

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