Twin Tips- Every Belly Is Different… The Baksetball Edition

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It is time for a week of twin tips, advice and pointers from our Twins & {MORE} Board here at Crystal & Co. This week we are going to share our belly pictures. I want anyone who is expecting multiples or has a family member expecting multiples to know that every belly is different.

I am kicking the week off and sharing my belly with you. Now remember, my twins are now 4 years old. The days pass so slow but the years go so fast.

Can you say basketball?

Luke was up high and his position was transverse- like a rotisserie chicken. Imagine his body right where the stands of ribbon are coming together. 

Nick was breach- butt at my cervix.

Their heads met right about where that ‘c’ is in the word crystal.

Here I am at 35 weeks.

Delivered: Week 37
Position at time of delivery:  A- breach  /  B-transverse (from 28 weeks forward)
Delivery method: a reluctant c-section
Babies weight: Twin A- 5 lbs 1 oz. / Twin B- 5 lbs. 15 oz.
Twin type: fraternal
NICU time: none
Days spent in hospital: delivered on Friday and left on Monday morning- babies and Momma.
Any issues: the only issue we experienced was low blood sugar with Nick. That was scary but he was not placed in NICU. They watched him very closely in my room taking his blood every hour. Or was it two hours? He slept a lot. It took every ounce of energy he had to nurse. Once we were released, we had to follow up many times with the pediatrician the first two weeks to check his blood sugar levels and growth.

. . . . .

Crystal & Co - Twins
Having multiples or know someone who is? I generally give a weekly twin tip here at Crystal & Co… sometimes I miss a week.

Then once a month the Twins & {MORE} Board tackle the same topic to give you our pointers, tips and advice. One mom’s perspective is from having triplets!

Share with anyone you might know who is pregnant with multiples or already delivered multiples. There is great advice for the families too!


  1. Krajcimama says:

    I was a reluctant c-section at 38 weeks…I should dig up the picture that I had my friend, Jodi, take right before I went to the hospital…I was HUGE!

    Dean was 8 lbs. David was only 5 lbs. 15 oz…but that's still a lotta baby.

    We spent no time in NICU (I know how blessed I am with that one) and I delivered on a Friday and we all came home on Monday, too!

  2. Krajcimama- ugh! are c-sections evil or what? I did not like it at all.

    We were lucky with no NICU time either… blessed for sure.

    Thanks for reading! Hope you'll swing back by all week and see what our other mom's of multiples share!

  3. What a perfect basketball belly!!!


    love that belly shot!

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