5 Laundry Tips To Make Things Simple

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Laundry. It seems like such a chore. Such a draining chore at that. I mean it piles up in the blink of an eye and literally as a mom I can say that for as much laundry done in my house, I am pretty sure I am washing the clothes of people that do not even live with me. I think some days I spend just as much time in my laundry room as I do my kitchen.

Even though this chore is totally draining, no fun at all, and seriously super boring it is always something that has to be done. So with that being said when I think of tackling my laundry I try to keep it simple. After all how hard can one task be? You start the water, you add the soap, the machine does the dirty work, and you are left to put things away. I think that is the part I dread. You would be surprised at just how quick and painless laundry can be with these tips that simplify!

laundry tips that simplify

5 Laundry Tips To Make Things Simple

1. Conquer stains right away. This is a tough one and I am totally guilty of not spraying or tending to a pesky stain until it has already set in. Take the time to address the stains when they happen so you aren’t bummed out later over the fact it doesn’t totally come out. Use this laundry stain removal guide to get it right the first time!

2. Sort as the laundry piles up. Have multiple laundry hampers or baskets that you can immediately toss the appropriate colors in. So when it is full just dump the laundry in, wash, and go!

3. Cut costs on laundry detergent by making your own. Seriously this is such a saving grace for my house and we use this simple laundry detergent recipe that works on tough stains and smells great!

4. Keep your washing machine clean too. You can’t have clean clothes without making sure the machine stays nice and clean too! Here is a super easy way to clean your washing machine.

5. Don’t skip the pre-soak when needed! My new Samsung 5.0 Cubic Foot Top Load Washer  has a patented built-in sink that is simple amazing for pre-treatment before washing.It has a wonderful new integrated touch control design that the perfect blend of form and function. So when I am fighting a tough stain I soak it in the attached sink and even use the inside for scrubbing the stain too!

laundry tips

Get Stains Out Easily


Check Out The Easy Laundry Room Makeover


before samsung

Check out the makeover here.

We got our new set from Nebraska Furniture Mart. This washer just blows my mind at just how clean the laundry gets in no time. The attached sink makes things super simple with my house full of boys and I can get a load of laundry done in around 36 minutes. Leaving me feeling accomplished! These are simply tips to make the whole laundry process efficient.

Need some other tips for changing up your laundry room? Take a peek at the way we updated our laundry room on the cheap with these 7 Simple Ways To Revamp Your Laundry Room.

You can check out all that Nebraska Furniture Mart has to offer on their social networks of  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest!


  1. Laundry is something I really don’t like to do, but it is great that you gave us some tips to help out with it. I am really feeling the idea of making your own laundry detergent. I think not that it would be so easy and that you can just use regular house hold supplies.

  2. I also dread doing the laundry until we had our new washer and dryer. I highly appreciate all your tips. Tip no. 1 is totally useful. Think about the difference it makes when you do something earlier than later.

  3. It makes a huge difference to have efficient machines! I recently got a new set and while I cant say I love doing laundry, my attitude toward it has definitely improved. I need to remember to wash my washing machine. I guess I figure since it cleans, it doesn’t need to be cleaned.

  4. Great tips! I have separate laundry baskets for my colors, whites and towels and it helps so much! Im a weird person who enjoys doing laundry haha, I just hate hanging it up after

  5. These are great tips! I mean, anything that makes laundry is easier is great right? Because who likes laundry? I know I don’t!

  6. I think one of the most important tips is to conquer stains right away!!! I’ve made the mistake before when I thought a stain wasn’t a big deal, then realize after I’ve washed the clothes that the stain didn’t fully come out! It’s so important with kids clothes too because they are ALWAYS SO DIRTY!

  7. Thanks for the laundry tips! I’ll be sure to keep these in mind whenever I do wash. I make my kids to laundry these days.

  8. I’ve found that getting rid of the excess clothing has been the most helpful in keeping laundry under control.

  9. Great advice! I am terrible about pre-treating stains soon enough and I always regret it! Thank you for linking up to Family Joy Blog Link-up Party. Have a great week!

  10. Great tips!! Sometimes when you try and save time the wrong way, you end up making it take longer! Thank you for sharing these tips with us at the #HomeMattersParty

  11. I love that presoak idea! It makes such a big difference on some items but I still have to use a sink or a plastic tub!

    Thanks for sharing with us at Throwback Thursday! I looked earlier, but didn’t get a chance to comment yet! Have a great weekend!


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