Homeschool: Including Music into Your Day Can Be Easy

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Do your kids struggle with learning notes and with learning how to read music? Trying to memorize all of those notes and the positions of each note can be so hard. Some children seem to pick it up more quickly than others.

For a very long time I have wanted my children to learn to play an instrument- like the piano. It is something I’ve wished all of my life I knew how to do. Now, we can test the waters at home using our electric keyboard and start exploring and learning. (What I love most about the keyboard is that we can put it away when we are not using it and it does not take up tons of space. obviously, you can also use a piano.)

Right Brain Music realizes that every child learns differently. The left brain child likes to work on their own, using workbooks, and can easily store information in their short-term memory. A child who is a right brain learner is more hands on and likes to discuss topics to help them learn and also work on projects in groups. A child who is a right brain learner also works best with more one-on-one time with the teacher or adult, and is stimulated with more interaction.

incorporating music into your homeschool day

At Right Brain Music they know what helps right brain learners learn, and have integrated those techniques into their teaching. Things like color, humor and pictures help the children store these items into their long-term memory. The system they use by incorporating these techniques allows students of all ages to learn quicker and remember what they have learned longer.

Right Brain Music has created various products, such as flash cards and memory games, to help the children learn music in a way that they can process more easily. As a mom, you will love that these products will help to build their musical abilities and will help you teach music to your children in a way that your right brain child can understand.

This entire program really has my children very intrigued and captivates their attention. It is a great shift in activity when we’ve been busy with homeschool books and assignments. This is something my twins, who are 7, and our fifth grader, who is 12, is enjoying and learning from.

right brain music memory work

Their clever note names were made with boys in mind, I just know it. For my kids who learn by associating things in their mind, this works great!

memory game right brain music

As a mom it can be frustrating trying to teach your child something and seeing the frustration on their faces when they just don’t get it. Right Brain Music products will help remove the frustration from your teaching sessions and allow your child to learn to read music quickly.

The Right Brain Music learning methods have been proven to be more effective for right brain learners than other, more traditional, learning methods. For example, their Music Flash Cards teach the musical notes by associating each one with the character that will help your child remember each note in a way that works better for them. The characters are very memorable and include a description that will help children relate it back to the musical note.

right brain music help you incorporate musuc into your homeschool day

The system includes 26 characters. They are not designed to be learned all at once. The instructions that come with the learning tools suggest certain notes that should be introduced first, followed by others that you choose. The peel and cling stickers can be applied and removed easily.

The learning activities are easy to read and follow. I have even had fun playing along.

I love the simplicity of first learning the notes that are just used with your right hand, then just your left hand and then the latter activities incorporate both hands used together at the same time.

right brain music practice activity



Right Brain Music would love to give one lucky Crystal & Co., reader one of their Note Learning Systems that is valued at $54.99! The system includes:

  • Right Brain Music Flash Card Set
  • Right Brain Music Practice Book, Levels 1 & 2
  • Right Brain Music 5 x 7 Laminated Note Card with Pen
  • Right Brain Music Laminated Piano Key Chart
  • Right Brain Music Piano Sticker Set
  • Right Brain Music Note Reference Chart
  • Right Brain Music Memory Game

Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter the giveaway. (It may take a moment for the widget to load.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
I was given a free kit from Right Brain Music to try out and let my kids play with and keep. All opinions stated are my own. Read my entire disclosure statement here.


  1. Love the learning system

  2. Pingback: Right Brain Music Note Learning System | Big List of Giveaways
  3. Pingback: Right Brain Music Note Learning System Giveaway | Just Sweep
  4. Debbie Petch says:

    It makes it easy for kids to learn music. I like the flashcards!

  5. Marthalynn says:

    I love that they understand that every child has a different learning style!

  6. Marthalynn says:

    There wasn’t an extra info box, but I’m subscribed to your emails as acluisi at hotmail dot com. Also, my youtube name is acluisi

    1. I learned that every child has a different learning style!

  7. nicole krutz says:

    i love their philosophy

  8. Pingback: Right Brain Music Note Learning System Giveaway - Giveaway Promote
  9. Jamie @ Love Bakes Good Cakes says:

    I like the flashcards!

  10. Susan Gustafson says:

    What a great system. Wish they had this when I was in school.

  11. JIM LYNAM says:


  12. kelly tillotson says:

    i love how exciting this is! not mundane at all–i know my boys would love the colors, characters and stickers…something they would look forward to practicing! thanks

  13. Julie Murphy says:

    i like that they think mucic is important to kids

  14. Tammy Baranoff says:

    My son really loves music, but I don’t know enough to work with him. I love that this gives me the tools that I need to steer him in the right direction. This product will compliment formal lessons.

  15. jennifer aikens says:

    absolutly love the idea for the stickers on the piano keys. I took lessons and gave up since I felt it was too much to wrap my mind around but this makes things seem so much easier to remember. The idea is so simple yet accomplishes a lot. Wonderful!

  16. makes it easy to learn music

  17. Kerri McEwan says:

    Looks like fun!

  18. The right brain processes long term memory

  19. Melissa Avey says:

    I love that they recognize learning styles

  20. Amanda Selenke says:

    I like how simple they make it for kids to learn

  21. Dorothy Teel says:

    I love the
    Piano Key Stickers – and the
    Practice Book
    I like the method that is used to help children understand the piano and the keys and that it could be started on homeschool children. I have two granddaughters who are home schooled and I think this would be great for them

  22. This is so great! What a great way to help kids learn piano skills!

    1. Melissa Snyder says:

      An easy system to help kids learn and make it fun. They realize that everyone learns differently and incorporate this into their products to help kids read music.

  23. Brandi Price says:

    I love that really any age can use their products. I could use a refresher too! LOL

  24. Narinder Chana says:

    Piano stickers sounds like something my daughter would enjoy.

  25. The right brain learner is a more “hands on” learner that enjoys projects and discussions.

  26. meegan whitford says:

    I love this whole system it looks very easy to learn with the flash cards and stickers.

  27. tina reynolds says:

    I like the simple way of teaching kids and the color and flashcards so they enjoy learning

  28. Heidi Smith says:

    I love that it makes learning music fun and makes it easier for them to learn music! Everything looks so cheerful!

  29. Ruby Daniels says:

    I really like the flash cards, This would really help my son.

  30. April Bever says:

    By incorporating humor, vibrant colors, and pictures, into each of our products, we have created a system that will enable music students of all ages to learn much faster, and retain the information much longer, than they would through traditional left brain music learning methods.

  31. They make learning music fun and easy for kids it seems! Just what this homeschoolin mama needs!

  32. I love the whole idea of teaching to the Right Brained learner. This is soooo… my daughter. (& me). Thanks so much for the opportunity to learn about this product and for your giveaway!

  33. mary renshaw says:

    Music is SO important!!! I love the whole idea!!

  34. that any age can use this ty.

  35. I like how they integrate they way your brain works on both sides into na learning system that works for different ways kids learn

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