How to Use Our Thanksgiving Preschool Printable Pack
If you are looking for fun, educational activities to do with your preschooler or young learner, you will love our Thanksgiving Preschool Printables that you simply print and go!
It includes turkey counting mats, clips cards and alphabet matching. Let me show you how we are using them at our house.
You can grab them here.
The counting mats are super cute. Each page has two cards on it when you print. You will count the feathers on the turkey and mark off the correct number of boxes to represent that number.
You can use do a dot markers, play doh, small erasers, etc., to mark off each box.
The correct number is also in print on the right side of the card. Your young learner can trace that number with their finger, or use play doh to make the number.
There are cards for numbers 1-10.
As your kids play, they will come up with additional ways to use these cads.
The next set of cards are clip cards.
Using paperclips and clothespins are a great way to build hand muscles.
Count the feathers and clip the card to the correct number. Kids love this!
You can also use small trinkets like erasers if you do not have paperclips or clothespins on hand.
The last activity using letters.
Let kiddos use the scissors to cut out the leaves.
Match the uppercase letter to the lowercase letter.
There are also feathers for matching the letter sounds with pictures.
So much fun!
This pack brings hours and hours of learning and fun.
They are perfect for homeschoolers, parents looking to supplement a public school education, at home day care providers and preschool teachers.
These are also perfect to print up and have at the kid’s table at Thanking dinner with the family or at church.
I did a Facebook live to show you different ways to use these printables AND ways to make them reusable so you do not have to print them over and over again if you’re using them in a classroom.
You can watch my video here. My husband was the one recording it for me. Shall we say he had lots of fun with filters on the screen….