Spelling Website

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The site is called Spelling City.

It is absolutely wonderful for any child, but especially spectacular for someone who struggles with dyslexia, has issues with paying attention, or dreads studying for weekly spelling tests. This is very interactive and Anthony (our 8 year old who has dyslexia) LOVES it!

Anthony enters his spelling words into the designated spaces. (Let them do it- you may find a dyslexic child or ADD child really learns well using a computer. You will be surprised to find that s/he likely makes less errors. This is true for Anthony, at least!). You can modify the number of words to enter- so it works for those with a list of 5 or a list of 30+ words. If your child has more than 15 words on an elementary spelling list, may the force be with you! No really, for a dyslexic child, talk to your teacher about modifying any list that is more than 10 words. You are his parent and you have a right to ask for this.

Using this site you can choose to- Test Me, Teach Me or Play a Game.

There is a narrator who has a ‘GPS’ type voice and uses what I would call the old school house method to teach the words to the student. She says the word, spells the word, and you repeat it with her. Each letter of the word appears on the screen as she says it. Then it goes on to the next word.

There is also a game option where the system takes your spelling words and adds it to templated games to make learning fun.

Don’t forget the testing option is great as well to ensure they are learning.

This is just another way to practice your words especially those with learning differences or those who like to mix things up a bit when you may get bored with the same old mundane learning methods.

You will probably also find that a child with dyslexia or ADD really excels with computer learning. Anthony looks forward to it! (Obviously this is not the sole idea that we rely on to teach him the weekly spelling words, it is just an added learning tool we use each week.)

Other fun ways to learn spelling words:

1) Give him a mirror (or you can use the counter top) and spray shaving cream on it. Smooth the cream out over the mirror. Have your child write the first spelling word in the shaving cream. Confirm he spelled it correctly. Smooth the cream back out and on to the next word. This is perfect for hands on learners, those who like to move, and those who get bored easily.

2) Use alphabet pasta and spell the words that way. You could even glue them down on a sheet of paper for added fun. Or, write each word on a sheet of construction paper and outline each letter with small pasta pieces gluing them down to form each letter of the word.

3) Purchase a lap size chalkboard and let them write each spelling word one at a time as you call it out. Have them show you the word after they spell it. Then erase and spell the next word. Kids love chalkboards. Local stores like Teachers Tool’s generally have these in stock and they are under $5.00.

4) Make a crossword puzzle or word search with your words here.

5) Girls, make a cheer with your words and spell them out. Boys can do it as well, but may not be as excited about it… you be the judge of that.

6) Cut letter out of a magazine or newspaper and glue them to construction paper to spell your words. Find a picture to go with the word if possible.

7) Purchase a couple of packages of magnet letter and have them spell their words out one at a time as you call them out.

Do you have a child who struggles with spelling, is a hands- on- learner, or just needs fun added to learning? Share your creative spelling approach as well! I would love to hear them all. Remember, I still have three more kids that will go through the process of learning to spell. We need ALL the help me can get.


  1. They had me write words 250 times. yet I still failed. I felt like they were punishing me for not being able to spell. all the practice does not change the fact that dyslexic people see the word in their head the right way and then they mess it up trying to get it to the paper. Im 44 and still struggle with it. In the 70 they just called it reading problems. now there is a name.

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