Elf on the Shelf Welcome Back Letter
You’re likley getting your decorations out and your Christmas tree up and it’s time…. for that sneaky little elf to make his entrance.
If you’re looking for an Elf on the Shelf welcome back letter idea, I have the perfect one for you.
This printable is perfect for anyone who has been doing this tradition for a couple of years and your kids are expecting him this year from the North Pole.
This is a tradition we’ve been doing in our home for almost a decade. My kids look forward to it every year. Even my older kids… they help me remember to move him. lol

I created this letter myself, and it is written with rhymes and fun.
Your kids will get a kick out of this little Slim Shady note from Elf.
It looks super official… like Elf printed it while he was in Santa’s Workshop and flew back for another year of shenanigans with the note in tow.
Download the Printable

You can download this —->>>> Elf Welcome Back Letter <<<<———- in minutes. It is not editable, so you will fill in the Dear and Love area with a pen.
This easy Elf idea takes all the stress off of you. Print and go!
Speaking of shenanigans, what are some fun things you’re looking forward to this year with your Elf?
Dollar Tree Elf on the Shelf Ideas
Here is a video where I show you how I found these items in the Dollar Tree store and what they look like once we get them home. This should help you see how we use these ideas for Elf on the Shelf.
Great Elf on the Shelf Ideas
- grab some toilet paper and let Elf make a mess
- have Elf bring an official adoption certificate
- have Elf bring a welcome breakfast
- stick Elf to the front door
- have him make a mess with your kids toys
- hide in the fridge
- hide him in the Christmas tree
- have him leave a printable behavior report (for naughty or nice behavior)
- have him bring everything to make hot cocoa
- have him bring your family’s favorite Christmas season movie!
- print out these super cute Elf size playing cards
- family fun Elf ideas

Elf on the Shelf Letters
- let him leave a handwritten note
- have him type up a simple note so no one recognizes your handwriting. It can be super simple.
- have him leave an elf on the shelf arrival letter
- use these free printables to put notes in your kids lunchbox

Naming Your Elf
Are you struggling with naming your EotS?
Truth be told, we have THREE of these little guys.
Two boys and one girl.
We have had so much fun naming them. My kids have been a part of the process each time.
If you’re looking for some funny Elf on the Shelf names we have a whole list of them!

How Do You Play Elf on the Shelf
What? You’ve never done this before?
First, you buy you Elf. He or she comes in a box with a book. You read the story to your kiddos.
The story tells you the premise of what to expect, but essentially you name him and then he observes your kids behavior each day and makes a flight back to report behavior to Santa each night while your kids are sleeping.
Then, the next day you ind him hiding in a new place.
No one can touch the elf or he loses his magic, BUT at our house we adjust the rules and you can too.
At our house Mom and Dad are allowed to touch the elf, which is important incase he falls over or something.
Super fun and super easy.
You just have to remember to move him every night.
Is Elf on the Shelf Hard to Do?
Not at all! It is super fun. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Do easy activities or just keep i super basic if it gets too stressful.
And, encourage older kids to help!