Hand Print Art: R is for Rainbow

Sharing is caring!

We’re back with another hand print art for the alphabet post! Our last post was a quilt for the letter Q. This week, we are sharing R is for Rainbow. Besides a letter of the week theme, it’s a great way to brighten the dreary Winter months with color. The hand print rainbow also fits into a Spring unit, St Patrick’s Day theme, and for preschoolers to learn their colors.

Hand Print Art: R is for Rainbow

Over the years, we have made hand print and fingerprint rainbows many different ways. You could make a print in all the different colors (so six hand prints total), paint stripes on the hand or foot, or even paint each finger and the palm area one of the six rainbow colors.

Don’t forget, at the end of the post will be more letter R activities including crafts, worksheets, and book suggestions!

Supplies Needed:

R is for Rainbow Hand Print Art Instructions:

Start by having the child paint their hands a gray or light blue color. Ask them to rub their hands together so both are completely covered on the palm side. Make the right hand print on the left side – this way the thumb is on the bottom of your cloud instead of the top. Make the left hand print on the right side.

hand print rainbow

My daughter likes to draw rainbows with straight lines when she is doing open-ended activities, for this rainbow I wanted her to try to draw a curved lines. I used a pencil to draw the rainbow’s arch. She traced over it with her red marker. I wanted her to draw the rest of the colors by herself but she insisted that I draw the lines in pencil first. When she had finished with the red, she was super excited about it (tracing carefully) exclaiming, “I did it!” I’m thinking that’s why she wanted all of them drawn in pencil first. She also insisted that her rainbow have pink in it so she snuck it on when I wasn’t looking… tee, hee!

Rainbow Hand Print Art

Finish by writing, “R is for Rainbow.”

Variations: Instead of drawing lines, they could paint them or use fingerprints. When my son was younger, I made him a colored line template for him to make his fingerprints on.

See you next week for a hand print animal craft that begins with the letter S!


Letter of the Week Activities for Preschoolers (Letter R)

Check out these Handwriting Practice Worksheets for alphabet learning with your preschooler!



  1. Sarah Jane says:

    Love it! This would make a great Sunday School craft too.

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