Free Preschool Printable Worksheets: Christmas Do A Dot Printables

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I’m Katie from Gift of Curiosity, and I’m so excited to be back at Crystal & Co. to share my Christmas do-a-dot printables. One of my specialties is creating fun and engaging free preschool printable worksheets. This year I am creating several different Christmas printables, including a Christmas Printable Pack and these Christmas do-a-dot printables that are currently available exclusively through Crystal & Co.

Do-a-dot worksheets provide young children with opportunities to practice an early math skill called one-to-one correspondence, which is the ability to match one object to one (corresponding) number or object. However, do-a-dot worksheets can also be adapted to work on so many other skills, making them appropriate for children from toddler age through early elementary school.

Print the Christmas Do a Do Printable Collection  <<———

Preschool Worksheets: Christmas Do A Dot Printables

I like to use do-a-dot worksheets to give my kids some fine motor practice. For this Santa worksheet, I provided my kids with small bells and a pair of kid-friendly tweezers. My kids used the tweezers to place the bells on the dots. Because the bells are small and round, this was actually pretty tricky for them to do.

Preschool Worksheets: Christmas Do A Dot Printables

Another way to use do-a-dot worksheets is to have your kids glue small objects into each circle. For example, in the picture below I gave my kids some small red pom poms to “decorate” the Christmas tree. My kids love any excuse to use glue!

Preschool Worksheets: Christmas Do A Dot Printables

Traditionally, many parents – including myself! – have provided do-a-dot markers for their kids to fill in each of the circles. For the reindeer worksheet pictured below, however, I chose to add an additional challenge. Because my kids are learning the alphabet, in each circle I wrote either an uppercase R or a lowercase r. At the top of the worksheet I provided a key. My kids stamped all the uppercase R’s with the red marker and all the lowercase r’s with the green marker. You can adjust this for any skill your child is working on – shapes, numbers, etc.

Preschool Worksheets: Christmas Do A Dot Printables

For elementary kids, you can use do-a-dot worksheets as an opportunity to practice sight words. On the Santa hat below, I wrote color words in each of the circles. For each color word, I included a matching colored Christmas light bulb.

Preschool Worksheets: Christmas Do A Dot Printables

My kids aren’t reading yet, so I had to help them read the words. But they used the tweezers to pick up each light bulb and place it on the corresponding word.

Preschool Worksheets: Christmas Do A Dot Printables

As you can see, there are practically endless ways to use these do-a-dot worksheets. For additional ideas on using do-a-dot printables, see my Halloween do-a-dot printables post and my Thanksgiving do-a-dot printables post.

I hope you enjoy my Christmas do-a-dot printables as much I enjoyed making them! I invite you to check out my other Christmas printables as well as the rest of my extensive printables collection by checking out my printables page.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your fun printables, Katie! I featured your Christmas Do a Dot Pack as the Free Printable of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page and on Pinterest. 🙂

    1. Yay! I will let Katie know. She always shares the cutest printables!

  2. I love these!!! My son really enjoyed the Halloween and Thanksgiving ones and they are great to have around when you need a little something to distract them while you are trying to get dinner ready. I am going to have to try the color code too!!! Thanks for the great ideas.

  3. Stacy @Stacy Makes Cents says:

    Thanks, Crystal!!!

  4. Thank you so much for your great ideas!

  5. What cute free printables. I love how you used mini ornaments to cover the last ones =)

    I pinned it =) Thanks for linking up to TGIF! I hope you have a great weekend.


  6. Pingback: 21 Christmas Activities for Kids - Roubinek Reality
  7. Bekki@a better way to homeschool says:

    I love the tray organization!
    My boys are all older than nine years old, yet my 11 year old still struggles with fine motor skills. These activities are highly adaptable.

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