Elf on the Shelf Ideas: This One Involves a Cereal Box

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Are you running out of Elf on the Shelf ideas this holiday season?

Now worries!

This one might be my favorite so far. It’s an Elf on the Shelf cereal box idea with a little hide and seek.

It is a great way to incorporate an old cereal box.

My kids thought it was pretty awesome!

 The cereal boxes that have an animal or character on the box worked really well, but any cereal box will work. It runs neck and neck with the one where the Elf goes splat and Elf getting the dog back.

I think this one is super silly and I just love it!

Elf Cereal Box Idea

I used and Xacto knife and cut an X in the box where I wanted Scout Elf’s head to poke out.

Then I stuck out elf inside the box and pushed her head through the cut. It tore the rest of the box perfectly.

Only the head will be poking out of the box, the rest of the elf body will be inside the box.

Make Elf on the Shelf a Christmas tradition at your house!


How Does Reporting to Santa Claus Work?

Once Elf arrives for the seasons, each night once the kids go to sleep he makes a trip back to the North Pole to report behavior to Santa.

Sometimes he takes a letters to Santa from the kids on his journey back.

Sometimes he brings back behavior reports from Santa with warnings about bad behavior and praise for good behavior. Are your kids being naughty or nice?

Elf Pets

Have you seen these? They are super cute and a great treat that Elf can bring for your kids after one of his visits to the North Pole.

  • One of the pets is a Reindeer and he wears a golden heart charm around his neck.
  • There is an Arctic fox who wears a glow in the dark slow globe around her neck.
  • There is a Saint Bernard dog who has a magical barrel around his neck.


The pets do not leave and go back to the North Pole each night unless you want them to. That is totally up to you.

All of the Elf pets are cuddly.

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