Hi, My Name Is _______

Sharing is caring!

Well, my name is Slim Shady Crystal, of course.

You’ve been dying to read a bio about me haven’t you? My bio should be live over on the Gotta Love Chevy Moms’ Time Out site soon, but in the mean time, view it here on my blog!

Go ahead.

Watch it.

Laugh like you have never laughed before!

Guaranteed to bring a smile to your Tuesday!

Bio Crystal & Co. Gotta Love Chevy DFW from Crystal VanTassel on Vimeo.

You can check out the two other Dallas gal’s bios who are also participating in the Gotta Love Chevy event for July.

Just a reminder that this opportunity was brought to me by Business 2 Blogger– love them!


  1. Crystal Escobar says:

    Crystal, I just love watching vlogs, so I was happy to get a chance to see one of yours. I really feel like I got to know you better. Loved it!!! And what a beautiful family you have!!!

  2. Love it! I am so excited for you! We have all loved watching your blog grow. Keep up the good work!


  3. Jessica Anne says:

    Love it! That looks like so much fun! Good for you!

  4. Crystal- awesome! That is exactally what I want is for people to feel like they know me. Not like I am some robot behind a blog.

    Kim- you guys rock. Thanks for always giving me the thumbs up and knowing I could do this!

    Jessica Anne- I can not wait to get my hands on the car tomorrow. It is going to be so much fun!

  5. Nimble Believer says:

    Love love love love it! Now go shower!

  6. Living on Love and Cents says:

    Hello! How exciting! I look forward to reading more! I LOVE the video of changing the baby in the trunk! That happens to me all the time! Life of a REAL mom! haha Come check out my blog sometime. http://www.livingonloveandcent.blogspot.com ~Heather

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