Learn How to Meal Plan in 5 Steps: My eBook on Sale for $0.99
Is saving money and eating at home a resolution for you in 2013?
Do you struggle with finding recipes that are a good fit for your family and do not take tons of time in the kitchen preparing?
Do you struggle with making grocery lists and executing the plan?
If you want to save money by not eating out, improve your grocery spending, save time planning your meals and eat a home cooked meal at home with your family I can help you learn how to meal plan!
I am running a sale on my eBook for the first few days of January 2013. You can get this 40 page eBook download for $0.99 and start implementing the steps today! Enter discount code mealplan2013 at checkout!

How To Meal Plan eBook $5.99 $0.99
This eBook includes:
- how to meal plan in 5 easy steps
- a list of 20 sites to find recipes on
- how to create a grocery list (with 10 resources and tools)
- 12 ideas for displaying your menu
- pointers for implementing your plan
- tips to follow when road blocks arrive
- 5 free printable worksheets that have been custom-made for this eBook
- 14 easy recipes for two weeks of dinner ideas
- an awesome list of 10+ mommy resources for other potential problem areas in your life
Discount Code:
Enter mealplan2013 at checkout to get the download for $0.99!
You will receive the book as a download. The Kindle version is coming soon.
You are five steps away from eating dinner at home every night!
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