Letter of Week Preschool Craft: Q is for Quilt
Have you been following along with us for our Letter of the Week craft series? I’m Anna from The Measured Mom, and this week I’m sharing a simple craft for the letter Q.
Are you looking for even more alphabet activities for preschoolers? You’ll find suggested nursery rhymes and books at the end of this post.
Letter of the Week Preschool Craft
This week we made a very simple craft that all three of my big kids enjoyed (and each was done in less than 5 minutes!).
Here’s what you’ll need:
- letter Q printed onto heavy cardstock or construction paper (use this pattern: letter Q pattern)
- scrapbook paper cut into 1 1/2 inch squares
- glue stick or liquid glue
This was a great way for me to use up some of the piles of scrapbook paper I once used to create beautiful scrapbooks – before I had kids. The paper has just been begging for a use!
Attach the squares to the letter Q to make a quilt. My three-year-old wanted me to use a gluestick to put glue on the squares. Then he attached them. My six-year-old (above) put a stream of liquid glue around her Q and then stuck her squares on. That’s the efficient way. 🙂
And my four-year-old put on the stream of liquid glue and put more glue on each piece. This is the thorough way. 😉
This was a very simple and quick craft – but the kids really enjoyed it. And it does a great job of reinforcing the letter’s shape and sound -which is the goal of all our Letter of the Week crafts.
Pussycat, pussycat,
where have you been?
I’ve been to London
To visit the queen.
Pussycat, pussycat,
What did you there?
I frightened a little mouse
Under her chair.
The Queen of hearts,
She made some tarts,
All on a summer’s day.
The knave of hearts,
He stole the tarts,
And took them clean away.
The king of hearts
Called for the tarts
And beat the knave full sore.
The knave of hearts brought back the tarts
And vowed he’d steal no more.
Quick, Quack, Quick! by Marsha Arnold
It’s a challenge to find books for letter Q! But this Step into Reading book is a great choice. Little Quack is always last – because he’s distracted by the many interesting things on the farm. His mother admonishes, “Quick, Quack, quick!” The illustrations are beautiful, and the story just right for preschoolers – as well as for any mom who has a child who just won’t keep up!
Giggle, Giggle, Quack, by Doreen Cronin
When Farmer Brown goes on vacation, he leaves his brother Bob in charge – with a warning to “Keep an eye on Duck. He’s trouble.” Sure enough, Duck changes the instructions so that the farm animals get just what they want. This is a fun sequel to the popular book “Click Clack Moo.”
The Quiltmaker’s Gift, by Jeff Brumbeau
I can’t say enough wonderful things about this book. It’s a true treasure that every child should hear over and over again. At our house, this book becomes loved when the kids are about age 4. It’s a long book which requires some thoughtful listening – but try again if your little one isn’t ready for it!
The king has everything anyone could ever want — so many presents he has lists of his presents. But there’s one thing he doesn’t have — one of the extraordinary quilts made by the Quiltmaker. She refuses to give or even sell one to him, because her quilts are just for the poor. The King tries to take revenge on the Quiltmaker, but finally he concedes to her requirement: to give away all his precious things. With each item he gives away, she will sew one patch on the quilt. Besides the compelling story, each each page is a work of art. A must read!
- A is for Alligator
- B is for Butterfly
- C is for Car
- D is for Doghouse
- E is for Eagle
- F is for Frog
- G is for Goat
- H is for House
- I is for Ice Cream
- J is for Jellyfish
- K is for King
- L is for Lamp
- M is for Mouse
- N is for Night
- O is for Octopus
- P is for Penguin
- A is for Airplane (graham cracker airplanes)
- B is for Butterfly (grape butterflies)
- C is for Car (apple cars)
- D is for Dirt (dirt cups)
- E is for Eggs (candy eggs)
- F is for Fishing (cupcakes)
- G is for Green (green crispy treats)
- H is for Heart (waffles)
- I is for Ice Cream
- J is for Jellybean (jellybean trail mix)
Anna taught eight years and received her MEd in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on literacy. In 2007 she began her career as a stay-at-home mom. She has four children – a girl (6) and three boys (4,3,1). She enjoys teaching them at home and after her daughter’s morning at school. Anna blogs at www.themeasuredmom.com.
Love these letter of the week ideas Crystal and Anna. “Pinable” every single time.
Thank you so much Lisa! How is the new baby?
Thanks for asking Crystal. So far he is doing everything right. Sleeping, eating, pooping…not letting mama get any sleep 🙂 Right on target! Love him to pieces.
Awe! That is so awesome.
And what is sleep? My baby is 4 now and I still do not get as much sleep as I want. 🙂
Crystal these are so cute! Providing me with so much inspiration!
Love the quilts! Pinning to my ABC Board to use with my Tot this year!
Oh, this is such a fun idea for kids! Is teaching them in fun and creative ways the best?! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this idea!
I’d love it if you linked this up over at Living Well Spending Less for Thrifty Thursday this week! http://www.livingwellspendingless.com/category/thrifty-thursday/
I’m wondering if you created crafts for the rest of the alphabet. I teach Kinder and since we are an “at risk” school, many of my students come in with little or no experience with crayons, scissors, pencils, markers, glue, tracing, etc. Crafts that allow them to practice these physical skills while still teaching the required academic skills are perfect! I’ve found the crafts through letter R.
Thanks for sharing your talents!
Hi Kelli. As of today there are crafts for letters A-R. We are doing the alphabet in order and we add a new letter each Tuesday. This Tuesday we will add the letter S. We will be done with the entire alphabet, adding the letter Z, the beginning of October.
At the end of each post we share links to all of the other crafts for each letter that has been completed so far to make locating them easier. You can also find them all on this Pinterest Board: http://pinterest.com/crystalandcomp/alphabet-preschool-activities/.
Another great one! This is my favorite so far. 🙂
I love that I came across your blog (which I’ve been linking up to) when searching for something to do for my preschool lesson on the letter Q tomorrow! Thanks for the help!