Do you struggle with getting your homeschool day started

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One of the best ways to get your homeschool morning off to an amazing start is with morning time. This I am learning after so many years of homeschooling.

If you’re struggling with routine, structure, finding a starting point in your day, or if you feel like you’re missing out on making memories…. I have the perfect solution for you. You are going to love these done-for-you morning time lesson plans. They are certainly a game changer!!


My friend Pam Barnhill has been homeschooling longer than me and is a former school teacher. I shared her homeschool planner with you a few months back.

She and her team have some of the most amazing products for homeschool moms and their morning time plans will not disappoint.

I first learned about morning time about three years ago. I was doing a search on Pinterest and came across Pam’s lesson plans. I already knew her as a fellow homeschooler and blogger and loved her podcasts. I have been hooked on her plans ever since.

She has about seventeen different themes to choose from. They go from preschool age on up to older elementary age. I will tell you more about some of these topics in just a second, but first I want to tell you what comes in these plans when you buy them.

This time around I grabbed the Hibernation Term for Luke Henry. Honestly, a lot of this content will interest my older kids and we can always adjust according to skill level.

Each morning time plan includes:

  • complete done-for-you lesson plan (most are ten weeks or longer)
  • prayer
  • memory work
  • music
  • math
  • picture study
  • art
  • nature study
  • book list

She includes a traditional 5 day lesson plan layout AND a loop schedule option of those who need and want a bit more flexibility.

As you can see, this really is a comprehensive learning kit, especially for elementary age and younger. It can be more than just your morning time or morning basket time if you so choose.

Morning Time Packs:

Here is a quick run down of the morning time themes she offers.

  • Seasonal (like Fall, Summer, Spring)
  • Advent/Advent Epiphany
  • Middle Ages (perfect for older elementary kids)
  • Early Modern (perfect to add for my 11 year old twins as we are doing American History this year)
  • Ancient Times
  • Play
  • Lent

You can find all of them here.


What are your biggest struggles with getting your homeschool day started? Have you ever considered a morning time routine?



Disclosure: I have been given free access to Pam's morning time lesson plans. They are super awesome. I have used them in the past long before I was given free access. I am an affiliate for her products which means I will make a couple of bucks if someone buys a plan.



  1. My sister in law homeschools. She is very organized and has a good schedule. I thought about homeschooling my boys but haven’t made up my mind yet.

  2. As a former homeschool mother and teacher to other’s children it sure would have been nice to have some planners like this back then! Some days it is difficult to get started. Something I am sure all teachers face. A good solid plan is key! All of these packs look awesome but I know mine would have especially loved the Middle Ages pack!

  3. I give all those who homeschool their children BOATLOADS of credit !!! I could never in ten million years do it!! I don’t have the patience at all!

  4. Our neighbor homeschools their five(!) children and truly, I stand in awe of what she’s able to get done in a day. She always says the key to making it work is being disciplined and keeping everybody on schedule. I’ll have to ask her if she’s heard of these lesson plans. They seem so comprehensive. x

  5. Shelley King says:

    My kids have asked to be homeschooled but i just dont think i would have the patience. I am a very scheduled person and if i were to these plans would be amazing. Maybe something to try in the summer to give myself a chance to see if i cpuld.

  6. I have never been a homeschool mom. I do remember having a hard time getting my girls to stay on a scedule with school work. Sometimes they brought home enough homework that I felt like I homeschooled them.

  7. We are not a home schooling family but this looks like a great way to get going in the morning. I can imagine it can be difficult some mornings for kids. I admire you for the work you do!

  8. Thanks for sharing! I will show this to my sister. My sister has five kids and she homeschools. My kids go to public school, but I still like to follow homeschool lessons and do extra work at home with them.

  9. I admire all home school moms. I’m not sure if I could be up for the task. You are really organized which is #1 and also staying on schedule. I would of loved to home school my kids but I just didn’t think I could handle it.

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