R is for Rainbow: A Letter of the Week Preschool Craft

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I’m Anna from The Measured Mom, here to share more alphabet learning with our Letter of the Week craft series.  This week we’re doing a fun multi-media craft for the letter R.  Be sure to find the suggested songs and book list at the end of the post!

R is for rainbow

Letter of the Week: R is for Rainbow Craft


Here’s what you’ll need:

  • letter R pattern printed onto cardstock or construction paper (get it here: R is for rainbow pattern)
  • school glue
  • blue  marker
  • cotton balls
  • Fruit Loops-type cerealR is for rainbow

1. Choose three colors for your rainbow, and sort the cereal.

R is for rainbow

2. Glue the cereal within the lines to make a rainbow.  Use dots of glue or a long stream.

R is for rainbow

3. Glue cotton balls for clouds.

R is for rainbow 4. Grab the blue marker and draw rain.  This will look different depending on the ability of your child.  My three-year-old drew long lines and his version of a rain drop (pictured).

R is for rainbow

My four-year-old drew rain drops.

R is for rainbow

And here they are!


Teach the sound of letter R with these familiar songs:

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

It’s raining; it’s pouring.
The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and bumped his head,
And he couldn’t get up in the morning.


There are many versions of this popular rhyme:

Three men in a tub,
And who do you think they be?
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick-maker,
All put out to sea.

 Here’s a silly one!

Three men in a tub, 
And how do you think they got there? 
The butcher, the baker, 
The candlestick maker, 
They all jumped out of a rotten potato, 
‘Twas enough to make a man stare. 


rainbow of my own A Rainbow of My Own, by Don Freeman

In this story, a little boy looks for a rainbow after a storm. When he doesn’t find one, he creates one in his imagination.  They play together until the boy goes home and finds a rainbow of his own – the sun has made a prism on his goldfish bowl.  Some people are bothered by the fact that the rainbow’s colors are incorrect in the illustrations– if that’s not an issue for you, go grab this book. 🙂


Planting a Rainbow, by Lois Ehlert

In this bright book, a child and his mother plant a colorful flower garden.  This story might inspire you to get out the seed catalog yourself!
Red-Riding-Hood-9780140546934Red Riding Hood, by James Marshall

My only complaint about James Marshall’s fairy tale retellings is that I wish he’d made more! We love the goofy pictures and funny dialogue.  This book is read over and over at our house – it’s definitely one to own.  Also check out his other titles: Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella, The Three Little Pigs, and The Three Bears.



Anna taught eight years and received her MEd in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on literacy. In 2007 she began her career as a stay-at-home mom. She has four children – a girl (6) and three boys (4,3,1). She enjoys teaching them at home and after her daughter’s morning at school. Anna blogs at www.themeasuredmom.com.

More Alphabet Resources

Handwriting Tracing Kit For Preschoolers



  1. Lisa Johnson says:

    Do you have the entire alphabet completed for the letter of the week craft? I start with M, S, R, T, P, C…for the curriculum we use in Hawaii.

    I don’t see S?
    Mahalo for your cute ideas!

    1. We have done the alphabet in order and we add a new letter every Tuesday morning until we get to Z. As of today we have A-R available on the site. This Tuesday we add S and next Tuesday we add T, etc.

      At the end of each post we also share the links to the other letters so you can easily backtrack and get the rest of the alphabet.

      Hope that helps, Lisa.

  2. Debbie @ http://kidsbibledebjackson.blogspot.com/ says:

    Love the ideas! Pinned it! Thanks for sharing at Titus 2 Tuesdays!

  3. I love your ideas! Is it possible to fix the ads for the iPhone? I don’t mind the ads but they make it nearly impossible to look at your website, and i am loving your letter of the week pages! I do most of my searches through my phone unless I find things to print making it more frustrating at times when I just want to see your ideas.

    1. On your mobile devise scroll to the bottom and change to the mobile version. That should resolve it. 🙂

  4. Nancy Jernigan says:

    Thanks for sharing such wonderful and creative ideas. I will enjoy using your alphabet ideas this school year with my 4s. Have a great year!

  5. Stacy @Stacy Makes Cents says:

    Another great one! So glad this was fruit loops and not Skittles. If Skittles were in the house, they wouldn’t make it to the rainbow. Ahem.

    1. Oh honey, I can certainly relate! Skittles are addicting.

      Glad you guys enjoyed it.

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