Shape Activities for Kids
Do you have a little one you’re teaching shapes to? Are you on the hunt for shape activities for kids to make learning fun?
Have you ever heard of a book called Mouse Shapes? It is by Ellen Stoll Walsh and is the precious story of three clever little mice who use shapes to create things.
They use a triangle and a square to make a house.
They use a rectangle and two circles to make a wagon.
Guess what they use to make a fish?
Shapes are a great way to create things and encourage a child to use their imagination.
While you enjoy this story encourage your kids to create things.
Here are seven pages of shapes in many sizes and many colors.
Print them out and let your little ones practice their scissor skills cutting out each shape.
Think of all the things they can create!
Print all seven pages of the printable shapes here. <<—— click to print
There are blue circles.
There are orange diamonds.
There are yellow squares.
There are blue triangles.
There are orange triangles.
There are purple hexagons.
And there are green ovals.
Think of all the things you can create.
Let your little ones have fun arranging and creating.
And while you’re here, check out all of the amazing books by Ellen Stoll Walsh. She has books that are perfect for kids learning colors, shapes and numbers!
I have partnered with over 10 other bloggers who are sharing their fun activities you can share with your kiddos as you read all of Ellen Stoll Walsh’s books!
More Books By Ellen Stoll Walsh
Check out all Mouse Paint, Mouse Shapes
and Mouse Count
Check out all the Mouse Paint activities:
- Color Mixing Painting from 3 Dinosaurs
- Playdough to Plato – Free Color Book
- Science Sparks – Mouse Paint – Colour Mixing Wheel
- Toddler Approved – Surprise Color Mixing Heart Craft for Preschoolers
Check out all the Mouse Shapes activities:
- Growing Book by Book – Mouse Shapes Learn to Spell Your Name Activity
- Inspiration Laboratories – Shape Collages Inspired by Mouse Shapes
- Mama Miss – Triangle Puzzle
- The Pleasantest Thing- Mouse Shapes Puppets
- Crystal & Co – Mouse Shapes Pattern Activity
Check out all the Mouse Count activities:
- Lalymom – Mouse Count Ping Pong Ball Game
- Rainy Day Mum – Mouse Count Number Lines and Ordering
- Still Playing School- Mouse Count Sensory Bin
- The Educators’ Spin On It – Mouse Count Activities with Lids
I hope that you enjoy these activities!
What a smart idea for a book/activity pairing! My little guy has learned most of his shapes, but we still need to work on the diamond and making things out of shapes. Thanks for the printables!
So glad you like it Donella. The possibilities are endless! My kids love to use their imagination and these printables are a perfect way to do just that!