The Mommy Club- Share Your Resources and Solutions #4
It is time for another week of mommy solutions and resources! Thank you so much for stopping by to see the ideas that are shared, and for sharing some of your own. Shannon and I really appreciate you!
Last week was awesome with over 260 click- throughs on the posts that were linked up. Thank you for helping spread the word about this meme!
Don’t forget, I will be sharing some of my favorite submissions over on Facebook again this week. You are following Crystal & Co on Facebook, right?
Please submit any post (old or new) that is a resource or solution for a mom. (No giveaways or sales pitches, please.) Link up 2 or 3 posts if you have them! Things you might submit include:
- recipes
- tutorials
- crafts
- DIY home project
- educational solutions
- thrifty finds
- decorating ideas
- how to’s
We would love it if you can link back to Crystal & Co or Milk and Cuddles. You can use the grab button below and paste it into your post, or, simply add a text link at the end of your post linking back to one of our sites. This will help others know our meme exists!
Feel free to tweet this message to help spread the word:
RT @crystalandcomp has a #bloghop! Swing by and share your mommy #solution or #resource at #TheMommyClub! Details:
always love linking up to your blog hop! Sorry I added my link twice. Please delete the first one, I clicked on Auto Crop and it cut the head off my dancing toddler LOL. Thanks!
I just found your blog and blog hop, I think through WFMW. I love the design, and I’m so excited to share my review of 3 electronic planners that I’ve been using this summer to get myself better organized.
I’m looking forward to reading the other entries, and I did tweet about The Mommy Club.
Thanks for hosting. 🙂 Have a great week!
Thanks for hosting another great party!
Thanks for inviting me to link up my 8 days of freezer meals! Glad I could share it!
Thank you for hosting! Off to click away
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I linked my cupcake wrappers (and added a link back to you) and follow you now 🙂 xo
Thanks for hosting! I’m always excited to discover new partiies / resources! I shared my Blueberry Banana Smootheis (figured you gals in the heat would REALLY enjoy this treat!) and look forward to joining you in the future!
Thank you so much for linking up. Yes. in Texas we are looking for anything to help us beat the heat.