Sharing is caring!

Thanks so much for showing up today and sharing your mommy resources and solutions with all of us. Last week in The Mommy Club we had 177 mommy solutions & resources shared! Thank you all for linking up your Valentine projects home organization ideas, DIY home projects, menu plans, homemaking and parenting mommy solutions, easy recipes and crafty ideas!

Throughout the week I will feature some of the ideas shared on my Facebook page, visit your blogs as well as give shout outs on Pinterest. So link up and get featured!

Here are the top five ideas shared last week:

1- So you wanna be a blogger? shared another blogging post this week on her mommy resourceful blog. Check out her Make your Blog Reader Friendly for wonderful tips for your blog.



2-Sisters with Stuff shared her mommy solutions to the TV! Check out her post –Not having Cable can save you even more money at Christmas time! What a great post!

No commercials

3-Kids Activities Blog shared a timely post for this week – What is Diversity? {Egg Activity for Martin Luther King Jr. Day}– What a great way to teach differences to your children.


4-SusieQTpies Scraps of Life shared her 52 Weeks of Inspiration post on the organization Operation Beautiful. Find out how to inspire young girls and help them end the negative FAT TALK.


5-DEAL! shared her mommy solutions to Multiplication Help for Your Child! Check out her wonderful resource.


Hope you enjoyed these fun mommy resources & solutions! I can’t wait to see what you share this week!

Hop over and check out Shannon’s favorite three picks from last week over at Milk and Cuddles.  Remember, when you link up here you are sharing your project on my site and Shannon’s site.  :)

Are you ready to share your latest and greatest mommy idea? We are ready to see it. Grab our button or link back to us so everyone knows where you’re sharing your ideas.



  1. Pingback: Simple and Sweet Pendants « Simply Creating Home
  2. Pingback: LOVE Letters Valentine’s Decor « Simply Creating Home
  3. Pingback: Linky Party Tips | So You Wanna Be a Blogger?
  4. Melissa-So You Wanna Be a Blogger says:

    Thank you for hosting!!

    1. Melissa- thanks for always sharing awesome blogging tips!

  5. Thanks for hosting Crystal!!

    It was AWESOME chatting with you this morning! Have a GREAT one 🙂

    1. Hey!!

      It was great chatting with you too. Thanks for helping me get set up for the Google+ hangout. (I am so not savvy with that stuff.)

      I love your DIY site.

  6. New linker and FB liker 🙂

    1. Hi Connie! Thank you so much for liking us over on Facebook and for joining in on our mommy solution party!

  7. Pingback: valentine’s day: nonfood gifts for kids | Frugal Local Kitchen
  8. Pingback: Tuesday Challenge - do those crunches! | Be Healthy, Be Happy Wellness

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