Thumbprint Flower Pots

Sharing is caring!

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Such a celebrated day. I have to say I look forward to it for so many reasons each year. Mother’s Day is such a rewarding day and the perfect opportunity to celebrate all the moms out there.

Thumbprint art is so much fun for kids. Well anything hands on are what my kids go crazy for. These Thumbprint Flower Pots are a perfect handmade Mother’s Day gift to give to that special lady! Make them for mom, grandma, aunt, or anyone else and they will love them. No need to worry about them being messy. Messy gifts are the best gifts!

You will need:

  • terra cotta pots
  • multiple paint colors (red, yellow, green, blue, purple)
  • black paint pen
  • a flower of your choosing
  • paper plate
  • Bounty Paper Towels

You can easily make thumbprints into all kinds of super cute things. Ladybugs, caterpillars, bumble bees, flowers, and butterflies are oh so cute with your little ones prints!

How to make thumbprint butterflies:

Use your black paint pen to draw on a butterfly body. Make a round circle head, body, and don’t forget the antennae! Put a small amount of paint on a paper plate. Then dip your thumb into the colors you want to add for the wings. Gently press into place to complete the butterfly!

How to make thumbprint caterpillars:

We used a variation of colors for this one. Press your thumb into a small amount of paint and create a thumbprint. Then use the other thumb on the other hand for the next print. Put them right next to each other. Alternate to make the length of your caterpillar. Once the body is totally dry you can add in the eyes and antennae.

How to make thumbprint ladybugs:

Use a small amount of red paint to dip and make a thumbprint ladybug. Once the paint is totally dry you can use the black paint pen to add the ladybug spots and antennae.

How to make thumbprint bumble bees:

Using yellow paint dip your thumb into the paint and press onto the pot. This will be the bee body. Once the paint has dried you can use your black paint pen to draw on the face and stripes!

How to make thumbprint flowers:

Using whatever color you choose dip your thumb into paint for the center then dab around the outside with another color for the petals! And you have a flower!

They turned out so great! We added some succulent flowers to the inside because they are easy and last forever. A true treasure of the heart when it is a homemade gift like this. Any mom would love this. Messes don’t keep you from making memories with Bounty!

This craft was so much fun and a few messes were definitely made along the way. But no time was wasted. Keeping Bounty on hand keeps the messes under control! Even dad can help with this one! Bounty is the Quicker Picker Upper and 2x more absorbent than an ordinary paper towel brand. Bounty is also durable and this paint project didn’t stand in the way. A little really does go a long way. With Bounty Paper Towels there is no need to be discouraged with making messes or doing projects with kids. They make them clean up easy and headache free! So anyone can help the kiddos with this precious project and be able to roll with just whatever happens!

What crafts are you planning as Mother’s Day gifts? Share your ideas!

Thumbprint Flower Pots

Thumbprint Flower Pots

These thumbprint flower pots are perfect as a simple gift or for Mother's Day!


  • terra cotta pots
  • multiple paint colors (red, yellow, green, blue, purple)
  • black paint pen
  • a flower of your choosing
  • paper plate
  • Bounty Paper Towels


  1. Add the paint colors of your choosing to the paper plate.
  2. To make butterflies, carefully dip your thumbprint into the paint to cover just slightly. Not too much or it will run! Create 4 thumbprints together for the wings. Allow to dry for a few minutes. Then use the black pen to draw on the antennae or even a face!
  3. To make caterpillars, use a variation of colors to accent the body. Dip your thumb into the paint slightly to cover. Alternate the colors for the body sections to make the length of the caterpillar you want. Allow to dry for a few minutes. Use the black pen to draw on the face and antennae.
  4. To make ladybugs, dip your thumb into the red paint. Create a single thumbprint and allow it to dry for a few minutes. Once dry, use the black pen to draw the spots and antennae. To make thumbprint bumblebees, dip your thumb into the yellow paint. Apply one thumbprint per bee. allow it to dry for a few minutes. Use the black pen to add stripes, antennae and a face.
  5. To make thumbprint flowers, dip your thumb into the color of your choosing for the center. Then choose another color for the petals. Dab in a circle to create the flower.


  1. Now those are adorable! Totally going to snag this activity and do it with my little dayhome friends this week. What a sweet mother’s day gift this would be! In the past, we have just given them a package of strawberries to plant in their garden but the succulents are such a unique plant and you can bring them indoors too!

  2. These thumb print flower pots are so wonderful! They would make a mom of small children cry with happiness. The memories of when the kids are older, mom can look back to when they were little. This craft looks well planned, easy to do and a lot of fun to do with the young ones!

  3. My daughter is always saying that she wants to paint, and then as soon as I get out the paints, she won’t quit asking me, “Momma what should I paint?” These thumbprint butterflies are really a great idea! I love fingerprinting because of the personal aspect that it adds to the art.

  4. What a great craft to share with the kids! The thumbprint flower pot is such a cool idea and will make a great memorable gift for Mom.

  5. I used to love doing these types of crafts with my son. I still have some of them that he did at daycare with other kids and would bring home for mother’s and father’s day 🙂

  6. This is seriously the cutest. My girls would LOVE to make this. Such a perfect memorable gift for Mom.

  7. What a simple and cute DIY Mother’s Day gift idea! I love thumbprint and handprint crafts, they are such a sweet way to have a reminder of how little our kids were once they grow. I have a few from my son and they’re my favorite gifts ever.

  8. I love this! So simple yet so creative. I was looking for something to do with my nieces this weekend and I think this is the perfect idea. We’ll get to have fun together and my sister will get a homemade Mother’s Day gift. Win-win! Thank you!

  9. My little guy will enjoy making these for his grandmas. I am not sure what creations he will come up with his thumbprints. More than likely they won’t be the intended flowers and bugs.

  10. That is adorable. What fun classroom project for the kids to make

  11. What adorable flower pots! I wonder if I could get my 15yr old to make me one 🙂

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