Wondering How the Heck We Are, eh?
So, it has been seven <7> months since I have posted on this blog. Lots of things changing in our lives….
As many of you already know, but we have never really made an official announcement, we are expecting child number…. what is it 5? Garrett, Anthony, Nick, Luke, new baby… yes, 5 kids in our home. I am at the end- due any day now. The baby is very comfy where it is. I really thought that after you birth a few babies, they just fall out. Not the case. This one is very content right where it is. According to my last three appointments, when the doctor has checked me, I am not dilated, effaced or engaged. And I thought I had a happy and cooperative uterus and cervix?
Some updates on everyone…
Me- pregnant… ha!
Lenny- he thinks he is pregnant. He has gained more weight than me and tried to convince my doctor at each visit that his uterus hurts too. Remember, this is Lenny’s world and we are all just living in it! ha Lenny took advice from his friend who works at etoro kryptowaluty opinie and has started his own a/c and heating business…. invested way too much in advertising… the website, should you need an a/c man is www.hvacking.com. The name of his company is Air King. For the hot season to still be upon us, business is actaully not too bad. He really has busted his tail to make this business work. Wish us luck.
Garrett- he is almost 10! Fourth grade has defiantly been his most challenging grade yet. He has had to really work for his grades. Teachers are strict and no tolerance. It is really neat that his teacher from Kindergarten is his homeroom teacher this year (and she teaches math among other things of course). They change teachers for Science/Social Studies, Reading/Language Arts and then Math. That was a big deal to me, but he is totally cool with it, of course. Overall Garrett is doing well. He has a ten year old attitude, but we cope. He really is a smart kid and pretty cool, too. Math is still his strongest subject. He is somewhat of a hustler…. for example, he rented out his ipod to a girl at school to make some money…. interesting, eh? He was very into the presidential race and has a very intersting perspcetive on the economy. War still intrigues him.
Anthony- he just turned 8 last week! The kid is a tank. He played football this fall- he weighs right at 95 pounds and is solid as a rock. Anthony has struggled in second grade. We are working to get some things identified. We think he might be dyslexic so he is being screened for that. This has been a process we have been involved in since before Christmas. Public schools are great, but they can be very slow. At least this is what I am finding. Although second grade has been a challenge, he really has continued to grow emotionally since he came to live with us. Anthony is very hands on. He excels in Science and loves making things happen. It is second nature for him to grab one of Lenny’s flashlights and a screw driver and think he is going to fix something or take it apart. Putting batteries in any toy always requires a tool.
Nick and Luke- well, they turned 3 last month! They are so big and just growing and maturing. Nick is the ‘narrator of life’. He tells you everything that is going on. If we are watching a show- he tells us as we sit and watch it, what is happening. If someone does something wrong, he is the first one to tell us… or the one you go to for the truth…. like who broke the window. Pretty much the observer of the group. Most people initially think he is a really quiet kid, but he just soaks it all up and is very aware of everything going on around him. He is very organized, too. Very much into construction and things of that nature. Give him a bulldozer and he is the happiest kid on the block. Luke is a whirlwind. He is all over the place- very active, dare devil, wild man maybe? Sweet and compassionate, but he is the one that will climb as high as he can and jump off as he glides through the air reminding us all he is ‘spiderman’. Freaks out most passer-byers and onlookers. We are kind of use to it. Everything is an adventure to him. He can kick a soccer ball like it is no ones business, he rides his bike with training wheels and slams on the breaks just for fun, and is always into something. They are both a solid 10 on the mischievous scale. We know this comes from my genes given Garrett’s track record and all the things I did when I was little.
The twins did start mothers day out in September. We love the school/church and they love it as well. They go two days a week- Tuesday and Thursday. Nick brings home arts and crafts that are lined up and very organized and neat. Luke, his work is well…. a little all over the place. They can not spell their names, but they recognize them in writing. They can both say their ABC’s. They love going to chapel at mothers day out. Luke thinks the female pastor who does chapel is God. He told us one day that his friends at school are Brooks, Tommy and God. I told his teachers and we all thought it was cute. Then they realized that each time he left chapel he would tell the pastor ‘Bye God, see you later’. Apparently my child has met the Lord and she is a woman! So adorable!
So, we are just waiting… waiting for this little one to make it’s debut. The gender is still a surprise. This pregnancy really started out a struggle for me, but I am ready. I have embraced it and understand there is a reason and a purpose… and thank God for the medical miracle of tublicgation! Paperwork is signed with the go ahead to tie my tubes in a solid knot should I have a c-section. Otherwise I will have to go back at 6 weeks to have it done.
I will try to update on a regular basis again. Just when we thought life could not get any more interesting….. are we ever really in control?