Make Math Fun Again
We are about to start our sixth (or is it seventh?) year of homeschooling.
One thing I learned pretty quickly is that each child has their own gift. As homeschoolers I can help our children expand in their gifted area and I can find creative ways to help my boys who struggle to excel in specific areas.
When it comes to our twins, we have one twin who is engineer minded. I know I have shared this with you before. While his twin brother can’t put a book down once he starts it.
At the end of the day, give either of them a game for any subject and it makes it that much more fun!
The crazy thing is before we began homeschooling, reading and math were the two subjects I worried that I could not be successful at teaching my kids.
Zap Zap Math offers an awesome educational math game that is perfect for kids! They just released their Kindergarten mobile app that is filled with fun educational games exclusively for Kindergarten! (Excuse our little Matthew above who was playing the app sporting his cool face painting from VBS at church.)
And here is something pretty cool; the adaptive learning feature serves as an interactive teaching tool to orchestrate the unique needs of each student. The ecosystem continually scales and tracks performance when a student interacts with each math problem, which ultimately makes it easier for teachers/parents to keep tab of their kids progress.
You can download this app from the Apple or Google Play store. Kids will have hours of fun while they work on number recognition, adding and subtracting, and even shapes and measurements. This is the perfect addition to your homeschool curriculum or use it to supplement at home for your little one who is being schooled outside of the home.
This app is perfect for on-the-go learning and can even be appropriate for a pre-kindergarten child or possibly even younger if mom or dad wants to help. You can get it here from Apple and here from Google Play.
I love that Zap Zap Math has other applications as well that can down used for older kids (K-6th grade) an can be used on desktops and laptops with endless thought provoking challenges. They also offer detailed reporting that shows where you child’s strengths are and where they need more help. Super helpful for parents!
Want to see Zap Zap Math Kindergarten in action? Take a peek at this video
This post is sponsored by Zap Zap Math. All opinions are my own.
My daughter likes math, but she has not done much of it this summer. Games like these can be helpful for those who need reinforcement. I hope that she does okay getting back into the math routine once school begins again.
I saw this the other day and thought it was such a cute app. Anything that can help kids learn math is a great idea, in my opinion. Wish more stuff like this would have been available when my son was little.
My younger sister (3rd grade) is really into math and science. My mom struggles sometimes to keep her engaged at home as she is ahead of her grade level in math and reading. Hopefully these online tools can help her. Thanks for sharing!
My kids aren’t really into math, but I so wish they were! This app would be perfect for my youngest…he’s going into 5th grade and we’d love something like this. I can’t wait to look this up on my phone later! I know he’ll love it.
I home schooled for a couple of years and felt like I really gave my daughter a good head start on learning. I think one on one time like this app involves is the best way to help kids get to the next level of learning. I am all about that extra push in the right direction so this is perfect for supplementing learning in the Summer as well.
My son is a math whiz. I loved the subject growing up so it makes me happy that love of learning transferred. I will definitely look into this!
Math is the one subject my son loves and totally understands. I really think this is something he will enjoy. When he comes back in the house I am going to show him! This kid can school me in math…. It’s a little scary! HAHA
These are great suggestions for keeping math fun for kids. I have never heard of zap zap math but I am going to share with this my friends who have littles. It is so important to keep learning fun especially in the summer! Thanks!