Blogging Tips: How to Effectively Use Keywords on Your Blog #LearntoBlog

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You can have the prettiest blog design and no one is reading your blog.

You can be writing the most thought provoking and valuable posts and no one knows they are there to be read.

You can create and share the best crafts and recipes, but if you’re not utilizing your keywords effectively, Google will not find those posts to share and promote for you.

Don’t you want people all over the world wide web to find your valuable content and read it?

Well, every Tuesday at 10:00 am CST, Kelli Miller, from 3 Boys and a Dog, and I do a Google+ hangout where we teach others how to blog in our #LearntoBlog series.

A few weeks ago, Kelli and I sat down and walked you through how to find keywords for your site, how to effectively use them on your site, and how Google can find you. We screen shared and showed you exactly how we utilize meta descriptions, meta tags and meta titles as well as all the juicy details on anchoring text properly on your site.

How to Effectively Use Keywords on Your Blog #LearntoBlog—> We walk you through dissecting  your analytics  to determine what you should be writing about based on what Google already sends you traffic for.

—> We also show you how to make sense of what the search engines already see you as an expert in.

Get your notepads ready. This video is packed full of information. A fellow blogger with a notable following recently informed me that all of her interns are required to watch this video as part of their training. It’s that awesome?

Don’t forget to join us every Tuesday over on Google+ at 10:00 am CST  for our #LearntoBlog series where we help you become a better blogger and answer all of your blogging questions.

 More Blogging Tips


  1. Hey Crystal- I have been using the Keyword tool & it’s been great. Recently there has been a banner at the top saying that in the coming months it will no longer be available & I need to open a keyword planner account. I did this just to check it out & see how it would work. It kept wanting me to create & purchase an ad – which I don’t want to do every time I want to get keywords for each & every blog post. Do you have any tips for getting around this when Google makes this change?? I would hate to lose this valuable resource.

  2. This was great information. I haven’t been able to watch your hangouts live this summer with both boys home, but I’ve loved keeping up with the videos. It’s so awesome for you and Kelli to share the “secrets” of blogging. I know many bloggers who are paying a lot to get this kind of information– so thanks for taking your time to share. The one on landing pages was great too! I have a lot to learn still, but it’s fun to watch these and learn a little at a time. Thanks!

  3. I have been learning to use my keywords in wordpress. i may not be the greatest when using them, but sometimes I find that I get traffic anyhow. I write a disaster survivorship blog, and many times it is the unheard voice along with the unheard voice of an infant enutero.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this! I sure appreciate all you wonderful bloggers who are so willing to give tips and tutorials!! I’m going to get going on this right away. Thanks again. Have a great weekend.

  5. I am not a beginner blogger and your hangouts with Kelli Miller have been incredibly helpful! I am so thankful that you guys have taken the time each Tuesday to bless us with your knowledge. Thanks for sharing with us this week at Monday Funday!

    Take care,


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