Snack Ideas for Your Meal Plan

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Friday I spoke at a local mom’s group about meal planning.  It is truly a blessing to share this ministry with other moms and share the five key steps for helping busy families get dinner on the table.

I love the opportunity to connect with other moms and share what works for me. The conversations easily lead to other related ideas and everyone sharing resources about many mom topics. Mom’s want to relate with one another. They want to know they are not alone. They really seek answers that will help them be the best home manager possible. I love watching it all unfold!

I admire a room full of women who  are all going through different seasons- some with teenagers, some with wee little ones and everything in between. Everyone sharing and thriving off one another.

One of the questions that was asked Friday was about snack ideas for kids and how to do this in a budget friendly way. It reminded me that many of us are seeking ways to save money and bring healthy value to our lives. We are all after the same goals.

Here are my snacking tips. One thing I suggest is creating a snack drawer in your fridge that is easy for your kids to reach. I shared this a few years ago here on my site.

My kids know that they have to ask first, but it is all in their reach. Even my nieces and nephews and friends’ kids  know the routine when they are here.

snack ideas for kids

Here are some of the things I keep in this drawer. You can use these fridge drawer liners too. We love them!

Perishable Snack Ideas

  • fresh apples
  • apple sauce cups
  • baby carrots
  • grapes
  • clementines (when in season)
  • strawberries
  • cut up watermelon (when in season)
  • cut up cantaloupe (when in season)
  • yogurt
  • string cheese
  • hard boiled eggs
  • juice boxes/pouches
  • small waters

Sometimes the drawer is more organized than other times, but the point is everyone knows what is available.

tupperware snack container

Then, we have a snack container in the cabinet. It is an old plastic Tupperware bread box that has non-perishable snacks available. Again, they have to ask before they get into it, but all of the snacks in there are things I have approved.

Non-Perishable Snack Ideas

  • granola bars
  • cereal bars
  • small Teddy Graham packs
  • microwave popcorn (natural)
  • cracker packs

Also, don’t forget, I have a letter of the week snack idea if you want to make things fun while you’re learning and snacking.

Setting Boundaries

Don’t want your kids snacking on junk? Then don’t offer them junk. Only supply your snack container and crisper drawer with things you approve. It really is that easy. They will only eat what is available.

You set the boundary. My kids know they can have one (1) item after they ask.

Make Your Own Snack Bags

Two mom’s in Friday’s class had an awesome suggestion. Take larger snacks that come in big containers and break them down into small, one serving, snack size Ziplock bags. You can do this for things like Goldfish and crackers and even for fruits like grapes and such.

Include Snacks in Your Weekly Meal Plan

Start including snacks in your weekly meal plan so that everyone knows what to expect, especially if you’re trying to budget this out and keep an eye on spending. Use my free meal planning printable to help map it all out.

And don’t forget to checkout my list if 21 coupon resources for free printable coupons!

All Natural Produce Cleaner

Looking for a thrifty and all natural way to clean produce? Check out my vinegar and water based fruit and veggie wash.


What’s in your snack drawer?



  1. Stacy @Stacy Makes Cents says:

    I just have to tell you – I’m your new biggest fan. 🙂

      1. Stacy @Stacy Makes Cents says:

        Wow! Really?? Do we know each other and I’m having a brain blockage??

        1. No, I don’t think we’ve ever met, but I’ve been on your site before after hearing about your eBook. 🙂

          1. Stacy @Stacy Makes Cents says:

            Well nice to meet you – and I”ll be stalking, I mean LURKING, here often.

  2. I currently meal plan but I’ve never thought about snacks, and with a teenage boy in the house I really need to!! I’ll be giving your printable a try! Thanks for sharing!!
    Krista @ Far From Normal

  3. This is a really cute idea!! I’m not a mom, but I remember going to my grandparents house as a kid and going into their cracker drawer when I wanted a snack. It’s great how you can offer healthy snacks this way!

  4. These are all great ways to add some cost effective snack ideas to your meal planning. Being on a budget means I plan out a month in advance so this will be a good resource to add to my planning too. Thank you for linking up this week to the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop 🙂

  5. Hi Crystal,
    I just love your snack ideas! Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and have a great weekend!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

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