Thanksgiving Pattern Block Printables

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Are you looking for some fun printables for morning time or for classroom centers? Maybe you’re looking for some awesome fine motor activities to add to your homeschool day? These Thanksgiving Pattern Block Printables are loved at my house!

Pattern blocks make great preschool learning manipulates. They are perfect for teaching early math concepts, spatial awareness, shape and color recognition and logic. Creating designs with pattern blocks really help young learners focus too.

I can’t wait for your kiddos to try them! I think they will love them as much as my five and seven year old and ,y two a half year old grandson loved them too!


Let me show you what this set includes.

Thanksgiving Pattern Block Mats Include:

  1. turkey
  2. corn
  3. pilgrim hat
  4. headdress
  5. Mayflower
  6. barn
  7. dinner plate
  8. cornucopia

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What Shapes are in a Pattern Block Pack?

There are a total of 6 shapes and they are all a different color. There is a green triangle, an orange square, a blue parallelogram, a tan rhombus, a red trapezoid, and yellow hexagon. All of these shapes are used to create designs.

What Can Kids Make with Pattern Blocks?

Pattern blocks allow you to take the seven basic tangram shapes and expand them to create something else with them and extend patterns.

As we know children develop different skills at different ages. Some children will surprise you how quickly they catch on to new skills. I was shocked when my 2.5 year old grandson was tracing the words in the handwriting section of each page and matching shaped and blocks seamlessly.

How Do You Make Things with Pattern Blocks?

Honesty the possibilities are endless, but pattern block template mats make it very easy for kids to create.

Here is what makes our pattern blocks so unique. Not only does each page include a thanksgiving themed picture to create, it includes math (simple addition) and handwriting practice on each page.

Does Creating Designs with Shapes Help Teach Problem Solving?

Yes it does! Creating designs with pattern blocks encourage critical thinking, logic and concentration.

These pages are perfect for morning time, small groups, math centers, morning baskets, pretend play, fine motor skill development and more!

Pattern Block Themes:

The Night Before ThanksgivingThe Night Before ThanksgivingThe Night Before ThanksgivingIf You Were a Kid on the Mayflower (If You Were a Kid)If You Were a Kid on the Mayflower (If You Were a Kid)If You Were a Kid on the Mayflower (If You Were a Kid)Thanksgiving Is for Giving Thanks! (Reading Railroad Books)Thanksgiving Is for Giving Thanks! (Reading Railroad Books)Thanksgiving Is for Giving Thanks! (Reading Railroad Books)A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (Peanuts)A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (Peanuts)A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving (Peanuts)I Am Thankful: A Thanksgiving Book for KidsI Am Thankful: A Thanksgiving Book for KidsI Am Thankful: A Thanksgiving Book for KidsThanks for ThanksgivingThanks for ThanksgivingThanks for Thanksgiving


If the download box is not showing up below, click the following link to get the pattern block download.

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